
turnips是什么意思 turnips在线翻译 turnips什么意思 turnips的意思 turnips的翻译 turnips的解释 turnips的发音 turnips的同义词 turnips的反义词



turnips 基本解释


芜青( turnip的名词复数 );芜菁块根;芜菁甘蓝块根;<俚>怀表;


turnips 网络解释

1. 萝卜:祭司会拿着一个大萝卜(turnips),把里面挖空,在外皮上刻上人的面孔,代表他们所倚靠施咒的邪灵,这邪灵是巫师打发的精灵. 芜菁里头点燃蜡蠋,在晚上逐家叩门时用作灯笼. 祭司相信精灵会附在芜菁里,帮助他们把符咒施放在那些拒绝他们要求的家庭身上.

2. 芜菁(大头菜):immigrants 移民 | turnips 芜菁(大头菜) | fancy dress 聚会时所穿的奇装异服

3. 芜箐, 芜箐甘蓝:red currant 红醋栗 | tangerines 柑橘 | turnips 芜箐, 芜箐甘蓝

4. 红萝卜;芜菁:radish 红萝卜 | turnips 红萝卜;芜菁 | turnover number 酶变率 ...

turnips 双语例句

1. They way they bully people is uncalled for, if its not Sam or Turnips way then it's nobodies way.

2. Raw material to cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens and other meat and potatoes, turnips and other vegetables category.

3. I have long thought that the famed blindfold test for cigarettes should be applied to city vegetables. For I am sure that if you pureed them blindfolded, you couldn't tell the beans from the peas, the turnips from the squash, the Brussels sprouts from the broccoli.

4. It is already getting dark, I in feed rabbit to some turnips but I did not dare to go to sleep, because I am afraid that the tiger harasses again, I should keep watch at night for the rabbit.

5. Originally, back on their home turf, the Irish would carve out turnips or beets to use as lanterns and use a burning lump of coal or a candle to light them.

6. They also learned to eat what the British were eating: powdered milk, powdered eggs, dehydrated apricots, dehydrated potatoes, horse meat, Brussels sprouts, turnips, and cabbage.

7. Fragrant ingredient B with 4 tbsp of oil, then add in shredded turnips and carrot and stir fry till soften.

8. turnips

8. By filling their shoes with turnips, stones, and coal.

9. turnips

9. As you grow more proficient, you`ll probably find yourself using denser vegetables, such as carrots or turnips, for tiny cuts such as fine julienne and brunoise.

10. There was not a tree within sight; there was not, at this season, a green pasture nothing but fallow and turnips everywhere; in large fields divided by hedges plashed to unrelieved levels

11. Tigress had already prepared lunch: steamed bread, boiled cabbage with meat-balls, a plate of jellied pork skin and pickled turnips.

12. turnips的近义词

12. When planting time came the peasant did not plant turnips again, but wheat.

13. turnips的翻译

13. To be specific, between the peony and the rose plant squash and spinach, turnips and tomatoes; beauty is nectar and nectar, in a desert, saves - but the stomach craves stronger sustenance than the honied vine.

14. Nutritionist Patrick Holford says likely culprits are cauliflower, turnips, brocoli, onions, Brussels sprouts beans lentils and chickpeas.

15. turnips的意思

15. After some Irish people moved to America, they found that pumpkins were more interesting than turnips.

16. Pan seared goose liver on sugar glazed carrots and turnips...

17. turnips的解释

17. The traditional diet consisted of buffalo, a lean, high-protein food, supplemented by wild turnips, chokecherries, and a few domesticated vegetables, such as corn and squash, acquired through trade with other tribes.

18. Hydroxy praline – The main sources of hydroxyl praline are carrots, lettuce, beetroots, turnips, cucumber, plums, cherries, figs, radishes, grapes, olives, pineapples, almonds and coconut.
      羟基脯氨酸-的主要来源羟脯氨酸是胡萝卜,生菜,beetroots ,萝卜,黄瓜,李子,樱桃,无花果,萝卜,葡萄,橄榄,菠萝,杏仁和椰子。

19. Each time there was a smell of soured Shaohsing wine, along with the odor of rotting onions and turnips, on her thick breath

20. Each time there was a smell of soured Shaohsing wine, along with the odor of rot ting onions and turnips, on her thick breath

turnips 单语例句

1. The Chinese tradition is to eat turnips in winter, which can help to clear up the excessive heat.

2. Irish immigrants had brought with them the traditions of Halloween, such as carving lanterns from turnips.

3. I even spotted a huge hardwood desk and bed among the cabbages and turnips.

4. " The problem exists in pickled turnips produced between December last year and January this year, " a company official surnamed Peng told Shanghai Morning Post.

5. One was the popular spicy boiled fish slices with Sichuan pickled turnips and carrots.

6. Among his claims were that turnips grown in the region were so big people could live in them.

7. The pickled Korean baby turnips are very refreshing to the tongue, while the black rice sausage is very unique.

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