
uncontrollable是什么意思 uncontrollable在线翻译 uncontrollable什么意思 uncontrollable的意思 uncontrollable的翻译 uncontrollable的解释

uncontrollable [ˌʌnkənˈtrəʊləbl]  [ˌʌnkənˈtroʊləbl] 

uncontrollable 基本解释


形容词不可控; 无法控制的; 难以驾驭的; 无法管束的

uncontrollable 相关例句


1. There was an uncontrollable note of fear in her voice.

uncontrollable 网络解释

1. 不可控制:骨巨细胞瘤愈后较好,我们尚未遇到1例不可控制(uncontrollable)的病例,不可轻易地用假体置换等破坏性极大的方法去治疗骨巨细胞瘤,一位南京的骨科医生患骨盆巨细胞瘤,被施行骨盆切除鞍状假体置换术,术后三年,患者病废在家,无法行走.

2. 不可控制的:uncontinuous change 非连续性变化 | uncontrollable 不可控制的 | uncontrolled flow 敞喷

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 不受控:unconditional jump 无条件转移 | uncontrollable 不受控 | uncorrelated jitter 无关联的颤动

4. uncontrollable的反义词

4. 无法控制的:uncontrollability 不可控性 | uncontrollable 无法控制的 | uncontrolled 不受控制的

uncontrollable 词典解释

1. 无法控制的;控制不住的
    If you describe a feeling or physical action as uncontrollable, you mean that you cannot control it or prevent yourself from feeling or doing it.


    e.g. It had been a time of almost uncontrollable excitement...
    e.g. William was seized with uncontrollable rage...

I started shaking uncontrollably and began to cry.

2. 难以管束的;放肆的
    If you describe a person as uncontrollable, you mean that their behaviour is bad and that nobody can make them behave more sensibly.


    e.g. Mark was withdrawn and uncontrollable...
    e.g. Uncontrollable children grow into young criminals.

3. (局势等)无法掌控的
    If you describe a situation or series of events as uncontrollable, you believe that nothing can be done to control them or to prevent things from getting worse.

    e.g. If political and ethnic problems are not resolved the situation could become uncontrollable.

uncontrollable 单语例句

1. It lost power and its central computer failed almost immediately afterward, leaving it uncontrollable.

2. Her worries come from the link in the industry chain - which insiders call " the uncontrollable one " - of dealers and distributors.

3. So when something undefined and uncontrollable happens, they speculate in all the modern forums about collusion and nefarious dealings.

4. Rookie Brandon Jennings scored 13 points to lead the Bucks, but scored Milwaukee's first nine points before going to the lockerroom with an uncontrollable cough.

5. Economists say the increased supply of currency may not lead to uncontrollable inflation next year, although it is set to rise higher than this year.

6. Seen from afar, some waves seem quite smooth but can escalate to uncontrollable billowing the minute they hit.

7. Key symptoms of the illness include vomiting, dizzy spells and uncontrollable twitching.

8. It is with an uncontrollable eagerness that I await the fiery fanfare.

9. The goal is to prevent economic growth from falling into an uncontrollable stall, as the April economic data shocked the leadership after a relatively solid first quarter.

10. Pines shaped by the uncontrollable forces of nature glisten in the sun.

uncontrollable 英英释义


1. impossible to repress or control

    e.g. an irrepressible chatterbox
           uncontrollable laughter

    Synonym: irrepressible

2. incapable of being controlled or managed

    e.g. uncontrollable children
           an uncorrectable habit

    Synonym: uncorrectableunmanageable

3. of persons

    e.g. the little boy's parents think he is spirited, but his teacher finds him unruly

    Synonym: indocileungovernableunruly

4. difficult to solve or alleviate

    e.g. uncontrollable pain

    Synonym: unmanageable

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