
undisputed是什么意思 undisputed在线翻译 undisputed什么意思 undisputed的意思 undisputed的翻译 undisputed的解释 undisputed的发音 undisputed的同义词

undisputed [ˌʌndɪˈspju:tɪd]  [ˌʌndɪ'spju:tɪd] 

undisputed 基本解释

形容词无可争辩的; 无可置疑的; 毫无疑问的; 无异议的

undisputed 相关例句


1. undisputed的解释

1. The facts are undisputed.

undisputed 网络解释

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 无可争议:歌曲出自歌手 无可争议 (Undisputed) 的<<Undisputed(无可争议Soundtrack)>> 专辑中,歌词来自网友整理. 我们提供文本和LRC歌词供用户下载. 我们不能确保每首歌词都是正确的,也无法提供全部歌曲歌词. 我们希望您积极提交歌词来服务更多网友.

2. 无异议的:undisputable 无可置否的 | undisputed 无异议的 | undissolvable 不能溶解的

3. undisputed

3. 终极斗士:芝加哥 Chicago (2002) | 终极斗士 Undisputed (2002) | 正面全裸 Full Frontal (2002)

4. undisputed的解释

4. 无可置辩的:undisposed 未处理 | undisputed 无可置辩的 | undissolved 不溶的

undisputed 词典解释

1. 无可争议的;毫无疑问的;确实的
    If you describe a fact or opinion as undisputed, you are trying to persuade someone that it is generally accepted as true or correct.

    e.g. ...the undisputed fact that he had broken the law.
    e.g. ...his undisputed genius.

2. 公认的;当之无愧的
    If you describe someone as the undisputed leader or champion, you mean that everyone accepts their position as leader or champion.


    e.g. Seles won 10 tournaments, and was the undisputed world champion...
    e.g. At 78 years of age, he's still undisputed leader of his country.

undisputed 单语例句

1. Holyfield became undisputed champion by stopping Buster Douglas in three rounds in 1990.

2. Released in 1942 by Warner Bros Studio, " Casablanca " is an undisputed Hollywood classic.

3. Tyson added that while he still hungers to regain the undisputed world championship, his main motivation for launching another comeback is the money.

4. Claimant countries could carry out exploration in undisputed areas, while the disputed areas would be subject to joint cooperation.

5. The company has earned an undisputed reputation in India and abroad for its professionalism, expertise and findings in conformity with the highest traditions of independent surveying.

6. I was the undisputed cruiserweight champion and now I'm going to show I'm the best heavyweight in the world.

7. Liaoning Province is the undisputed leader in northeastern China in terms of the scale of its economy.

8. It emerged from the end of the Cold War as the undisputed global superpower.

9. The Chinese drilling equipment is in undisputed waters, but Tokyo fears that it could drain resources from Japan's exclusive economic zone.

10. Liushen Floral Water is not the only one of its kind in the market, although it is the undisputed market leader.

undisputed 英英释义



1. generally agreed upon
    not subject to dispute

    e.g. the undisputed fact

    Synonym: unchallengedunquestioned

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