
unspeakable是什么意思 unspeakable在线翻译 unspeakable什么意思 unspeakable的意思 unspeakable的翻译 unspeakable的解释 unspeakable的发音

unspeakable [ʌnˈspi:kəbl]  [ʌnˈspikəbəl] 

unspeakable 基本解释


形容词无法形容的; 坏不堪言的; 不可说的,不应被讲出来的; 说不出口

unspeakable 相关例句


1. unspeakable

1. She is suffering from unspeakable pain.

2. His manners are unspeakable.

unspeakable 网络解释

1. (说不出口的):牐燼ppalling(可怕的) | 牐爑nspeakable(说不出口的) | 牐燼shamed(惭愧的)

2. 缄默人:28. 家庭作业计划簿 homework-planner | 29. 缄默人 Unspeakable | 30. 无头帽 Headless Hat

3. unspeakable

3. 无法形容的:unseen 看不见的 | unspeakable 无法形容的 | unsuccessful 不成功的

4. 魂惊一线:毁灭之路 Road to Perdition (2002) | 魂惊一线 Unspeakable (2002) | 超级骑警 Super Troopers (2001)

unspeakable 词典解释

1. 恶劣得说不出口的;坏透了的
    If you describe something as unspeakable, you are emphasizing that it is extremely unpleasant.

    e.g. ...the unspeakable horrors of chemical weapons...
    e.g. The pain is unspeakable.

The novel was unspeakably boring.

unspeakable 单语例句


1. The terrible irony is that in keeping wild species as pets, animal lovers cause unspeakable suffering to animals and the destruction of wildlife populations.

2. In a public lavatory, a detective tries to draw out their unspeakable secrets using psychological tactics.

3. The real star of this romantic comedy is the city itself, glittering in the amorous night and exuding unspeakable allure.

4. Modern dance Unspeakable uses body language to tap the process of human beings on their way to finding light and illusion.

5. Our motherland and all those who inhabit your world share this unspeakable grief.

6. He said he endured " unspeakable suffering " during his pretrial detention but did not elaborate.

7. I'm essentially asked to speak the unspeakable here, a tough task if not an altogether impossible one.

8. The talk about Gadhafi's committing " unspeakable atrocities " sounds similar to accusations against Saddam Hussein of developing weapons of mass destruction a few years ago.

9. Some Dallas residents recalled the shame of having an unspeakable tragedy happen in their back yard.

10. " It is an unspeakable happiness when I finish a work that I am satisfied with, " she said.

unspeakable 英英释义


1. defying expression or description

    e.g. indefinable yearnings
           indescribable beauty
           ineffable ecstasy
           inexpressible anguish
           unspeakable happiness
           unutterable contempt
           a thing of untellable splendor

    Synonym: indefinableindescribableineffableuntellableunutterable

2. exceptionally bad or displeasing

    e.g. atrocious taste
           abominable workmanship
           an awful voice
           dreadful manners
           a painful performance
           terrible handwriting
           an unspeakable odor came sweeping into the room

    Synonym: atrociousabominableawfuldreadfulpainfulterrible

3. too sacred to be uttered

    e.g. the ineffable name of the Deity

    Synonym: ineffableunnameableunutterable

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