
viridescence是什么意思 viridescence在线翻译 viridescence什么意思 viridescence的意思 viridescence的翻译 viridescence的解释 viridescence的发音

viridescence [ˌvɪrə'desəns]  [ˌvɪrə'desəns] 

viridescence 基本解释


viridescence 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 青绿:virgule 短斜线 | viridescence 青绿 | viridescent 淡绿色的

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 淡绿色:viricide 杀病毒剂 | viridescence 淡绿色 | viridescenceviridity 青绿

3. 嫩绿:墨黑的 jet-black,jetty,pitch-black, | 嫩绿 viridescence | 柠檬[黄]色 lemon,lemon-yellow,citrine,

4. viridescence的近义词

4. 绿/青绿/淡绿色:viricide /杀病毒剂/ | viridescence /绿/青绿/淡绿色/ | viridescent /淡绿色的/有绿色的/带绿色的/

viridescence 双语例句

1. I love viridescence on branches, for it is the messenger of the spring, the beginning of a day
    帖主对此回复很满意,所以奖励 3 积分给总管小弟

2. It was revealed that the total cell density increased from early March to May, with a variation of 3 order of magnitudes in cell richness; Amphidinium britannicum and Adenoides eludens were two dominant species in the spring, however Gyrodinium viridescence and Peridinium quinquecorne might be abundant in the early summer; the cell density of dominant species inclined from the high-tide zone to middle- and low-tide zone. Finally, the importance of sonification treatment in precise cell enumeration of nature samples was discussed.
    发现初春甲藻数量少,而春末夏初数量显著增多,由春初的0~20个/1 000 g湿砂增加到春末夏初的几千个/10 g湿砂,相差3个数量级以上;Amphidinium britanicum和Adenoides eludens为春季优势种;Gyrodinium viridescense和Peridinium quinquecorne在5月份数量明显增多,与温度升高以及底栖藻类各类群总量增加有密切关系;底栖甲藻的总细胞密度和主要优势种的细胞密度呈现由高潮带向中、低潮带增加的趋势。

3. viridescence的翻译

3. Viridescence of equestrian orchid colour and lustre, in northern region green period can amount to 280 days of above; Ma Lan's purple beautiful quietly elegant is beautiful, nectar faint scent, florescence is as long as 50 days, still can serve as the material that cut a flower; Malannai tramples, after experience tramples, need not breed can ego restores; Moderate of height of equestrian orchid plant, the leaf is much and erect grow, have stronger aspiration, decrease dry, drop in temperature action; Equestrian orchid vitality is strong, do not need daily conserve basically, managing water fertilizer and management are devoted; In the city that build plant segregation of two side afforest takes open greenbelt, road to wait with ground of compose flowers and plants in, ma Lan is unquestionable high grade material.

4. Whereher viridescence riband caressed the charred land.

5. Embryonic cell and apical meristems continue to divide as the time of stratification prolongs, so the embryo increases in volume and turns from ivory-white to viridescence, which are the signs of gradually maturing seed.

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