
virtual是什么意思 virtual在线翻译 virtual什么意思 virtual的意思 virtual的翻译 virtual的解释 virtual的发音 virtual的同义词 virtual的反义词

virtual [ˈvɜ:tʃuəl]  [ˈvɜ:rtʃuəl] 

virtual 基本解释

形容词实质上的,事实上的; (计算机)虚拟的; <物>有效的,虚像的; (粒子)实际存在的

virtual 相关例句


1. virtual的翻译

1. He is in a state of virtual slavery.

2. She is the virtual president, thought her title is secretary.

virtual 网络解释

1. 虚拟的:通用的<<牛津高阶英语学习词典>>(OALD)中对"虚拟的"(virtual)的一词的解释是:实质上的,但尚未在名义上或正式获得承认. 在计算机技术中的虚拟存储器、虚拟服务器和企业管理中的虚拟组织等语汇中,"虚拟的"意味着"虽然是无形或非正式的,

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 虚的:基类如果把一个函数声明为虚的(virtual),就表明继承类可以覆盖(override)这个 函数(从而表现不同的行为,呈现出多态性). 对于每一个有虚函数的具体类(或者继承类),可认为有一个与之关联的虚函数表(v-t able).

3. 实际的:在那4个阶段的末尾,'UIS'以及'总模板的那些实际的(virtual)结构'之能量--(因为)被族类之转变中的意识所吸引(attracted by the shifting consciousness of the species)--会开始〝下降〞在时间和空间之行星的次元裡(within the p

4. virtual:v; 虚拟

virtual 词典解释

1. 几乎的;实际上的;事实上的
    You can use virtual to indicate that something is so nearly true that for most purposes it can be regarded as true.

    e.g. Argentina came to a virtual standstill while the game was being played...
    e.g. He claimed to be a virtual prisoner in his own home.

2. 虚拟的;模拟的
    Virtual objects and activities are generated by a computer to simulate real objects and activities.


    e.g. Up to four players can compete in a virtual world of role playing...
    e.g. This is a virtual shopping centre offering visitors entry to a clutch of well-known etailers without going to their different websites.

People speculate about virtuality systems, but we're already working on it.

virtual 单语例句


1. But what if you're famous and have thousands, if not millions of virtual followers?

2. The culprit spent the sum in buying Internet virtual currency in order to launder the money he illicitly obtained.

3. Chinese netizens like virtual currency because acquiring some does not require a credit card or even a bank account.

4. The summer vacation is always a carnival for online gaming operators as millions of Chinese students indulge themselves lavishly in the virtual world of gaming.

5. Virtual cops first appeared last year in Shenzhen, where the police inserted a floating cartoon icon of a policeman on major websites.

6. But more significantly, her popularity became a case study of the dynamic changes in virtual communications in China.

7. But the festivities may be disrupted this year following the regulations banning online casino gambling and restricting the use of virtual currency.

8. Many avatars were left out of the virtual celebration in Obama's unofficial Second Life headquarters because the digital enclave had reached maximum capacity on Tuesday.

9. China's regulation to censor the content that Google provides to Chinese Internet users has been interpreted as a breach to freedom in the virtual world.

10. While nothing is certain, there's a good chance that this virtual past is the root of Stefan's problems.

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