
visitor是什么意思 visitor在线翻译 visitor什么意思 visitor的意思 visitor的翻译 visitor的解释 visitor的发音 visitor的同义词 visitor的反义词

visitor [ˈvɪzɪtə(r)]  [ˈvɪzɪtɚ] 


visitor 基本解释

名词游客; 访问者; 参观者; 候鸟

visitor 相关例句


1. Marty was a frequent visitor to our house.

2. visitor在线翻译

2. There are many visitors to the White House every year.

3. Visitor not admitted.

visitor 网络解释

1. 访问者:设计模式(20)-Visitor Pattern 一, 访问者(Visitor)模式 访问者模式的目的是封装一些施加于某种数据结构元素之上的操作.一旦这些操作需要修改的话,接受这个操作的数据结构则可以保持不变.

2. visitor的近义词

2. 访问者模式:15.访问者模式(Visitor)只要愿意,我随时都可以跑到哪个窗口打要吃的东西,前提是,我必须跑这一趟. 16.状态模式(state)我今天想吃面,师傅问我:要什么料?西红柿鸡蛋,排骨还是牛肉?17.装饰模式(Decorator)在食堂吃饭,没筷子怎么行?

visitor 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. With the execution of this code, the following can be achieved - a new visitor can register his/her login information, can select the desired username and password, can view his/her account information, and can change it later.

2. I have seen things all my life, but this time I had a visitor watching.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. Make sure this doesn't happen and include an opt-in box in the top half of your home page where your visitor can enter their name and email address in order to subscribe to your newsletter or to receive a free ebook about your niche.

4. visitor

4. Visitor: What was the matter with you?

5. A gentleman, an idealist, an irregular church visitor, a 9 to 5 job, a computer geek, a condo at riverside, an old Lexus, a mortgage, a hamster, a regular swimmer, a enthusiastic reader, a traditional music lover, a non-smoker, a red wine advocate, an average cook, a disastrous bargainer, a easy going teammate, a fantastic listener.

6. visitor的意思

6. Five giant backdrops beckon the visitor into the Trianon garden by night.

7. If in doubt about the access to a place, consider a car (riding with another visitor, taxi, renting or leasing an auto) or special tour bus.

8. In here, provides each kind of spot for the visitor the beef, to roast the pork chop, the barbecued mutton platoon, the chicken wing and the chicken heart, the pork intestines, the Bacon volume, roasts the banana, the vegetables and so on several dozens above typical delicacies to bake for the visitor chooses.

9. In the present invention, the resident can check the visitor and control the door lock to be released according to the access approval level of the visitor, even at a remote location.

10. This book is about the world of the pharaohs as it appears to the modern visitor.

11. After configuration, the general visitor can wander around scene and get associated designer`s biography, audiovisuals and texts through friendly multimedia interface.

12. visitor的意思

12. The city has a very laid-back atmosphere and any visitor is sure to love it.

13. Only in this way can be a visitor's identity.

14. In addition, you will be able to select a visitor on your website and invite the person for a chat session with you.

15. visitor

15. It may be used as a normal visitor counter and tracker to monitor web site activity.

16. 911查询·英语单词

16. I read a lot about the different Asian cultures. I want to be a kind and respectful visitor to you country.

17. I should be only a visitor, or formal caller

18. He must be a visitor, isn't he?

19. More convenience and new thread, new web site make visitor served in one site.

20. At the time the friendship store was exclusively open to foreign visitor s.

visitor 词典解释

1. 访问者;参观者
    A visitor is someone who is visiting a person or place.

    e.g. The other day we had some visitors from Switzerland...
    e.g. As a student I lived in Oxford but was a frequent visitor to Belfast.

visitor 单语例句

1. That's how Shajiabang village in Jiangsu province's Wuxi catches the visitor by surprise.

2. The area's farmers have been one of the key beneficiaries of the additional funding generated by the surge in visitor numbers.

3. A few hours later, another visitor to the auto show bought a Cadillac sedan at the reception desk.

4. England can overtake India at the top of the world rankings if it beats the visitor by a margin of at least two matches.

5. A visitor to the international pets exhibition held recently in Shanghai gazes at one of the canine competitors.

6. Qzone had 228 million active user accounts for the second quarter of 2009, although it won't give out monthly visitor figures.

7. The visitor could help in the production and installation of the light and carry them away.

8. A recent visitor was the international jazz band Blood Drum Spirits, who have a CD release and have been touring China.

9. The rest part of the panda house are the visitor service center, souvenir shop and cafe.

10. This is part of an initiative to establish a Grade AAAA National Tourism Spot and create an international visitor brand.

visitor 英英释义



1. someone who visits

    Synonym: visitant

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