
warship是什么意思 warship在线翻译 warship什么意思 warship的意思 warship的翻译 warship的解释 warship的发音 warship的同义词 warship的反义词

warship [ˈwɔ:ʃɪp]  [ˈwɔ:rʃɪp] 


warship 基本解释


warship 相关例句


1. Twenty years later, the sunken warship was finally found.

warship 网络解释

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 军舰:1664 年英国派军舰( warship )开抵曼哈顿,实力衰竭的荷兰军队无力抵抗,被迫将新阿姆斯特丹拱手让给英国. 后来随着这一地段人口增加,经济渐趋繁荣,木栏墙反而成了一道障碍. 因此, 1699 年英国人拆除了此墙,将原址改建为街道,

2. 战舰:在游戏中,会出现一些Nubian部落的人,他们常喜爱从南面的海面入侵你的王国,为此你要在南部海面安排3至4艘战舰(warship)守卫,这样你就能安心进行生产建设了.

3. 舰:诺曼在球体内遇到普费,普费也运用了外星技术改造了一把开火机制复杂的枪械,能够发射出冰冻光束,然而普费的生化装已经受损,诺曼必须护卫他至附近的热源来补充能量,最终逃离球体,同时,他们也看到了一架巨型外星船舰(Warship)从头顶飞过.

4. 军舰,战舰:木船 wooden vessel | 军舰,战舰 warship | 水质检查 water examination

warship 词典解释

1. 军舰; 战船
    A warship is a ship with guns that is used for fighting in wars.

warship 单语例句

1. " Exercising with an Indian warship is a valuable opportunity for the Navy, " said Te Mana commanding officer Commander John Butcher.

2. The suspects fled to a larger pirate vessel without damaging the Kition, but were intercepted by the warship an hour later.

3. A Chinese warship made a port of call in Japan in November 2007, followed by a reciprocal visit by a Japanese destroyer in June of last year.

4. Davies said the pirates sailed into the path of the Canadian warship Winnipeg, which was escorting a World Food Program delivery ship through the Gulf of Aden.

5. The inaugural security talks come after the United Nations Security Council condemned attacks in March on the South Korean warship Cheonan.

6. Seoul has denounced Pyongyang for torpedoing its corvette warship in March, leading to the deaths of 46 sailors.

7. Quinn said the crew is trying to hold off the pirates for three more hours until a coalition warship is expected to arrive.

8. The US warship Bainbridge arrived on the scene before dawn yesterday, the company added.

9. One pirate who gave his name only as Hassan said a warship with a helicopter on its deck is near the Quest.

10. A Philippine warship entered the island's territorial waters on April 10, and dispatched personnel to harass Chinese fishing boats and attempted to detain Chinese fishermen.


warship 英英释义


1. a government ship that is available for waging war

    Synonym: war vesselcombat ship

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