
washstand是什么意思 washstand在线翻译 washstand什么意思 washstand的意思 washstand的翻译 washstand的解释 washstand的发音 washstand的同义词

washstand [ˈwɒʃstænd]  [ˈwɑ:ʃstænd] 


washstand 基本解释


washstand 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 脸盆架:washroom 盥洗室 | washstand 脸盆架 | washtub 洗衣盆

2. 盥洗台:washroom 盥洗室 | washstand 盥洗台 | washstrake 船首舷墙

3. 洗手台:toilet paper 衛生紙 | washstand 洗手台 | scale 磅秤

4. washstand

4. 盥洗台; 脸盆架 (名):washroom 洗手间; 盥洗室 (名) | washstand 盥洗台; 脸盆架 (名) | washtub 洗衣盆 (名)

washstand 双语例句

1. If a home is happy it cannot fit too close--let the dresser collapse and become a billiard table; let the mantel turn to a rowing machine, the escritoire to a spare bedchamber, the washstand to an upright piano; let the four walls come together, if they will, so you and your Delia are between.

2. If a home is happy it cannot fit too close--let the dresser collapse and become a billiard table; let the mantel turn to a rowing machine, the escritoire to a spare bedchamber, the washstand to an upright piano; let the four walls come together, if they will, so you and your Delia are between. But if home be the other kind, let it be wide and long--enter you at the Golden Gate, hang your hat on Hatteras, your cape on Cape Horn and go out by the Labrador.

3. washstand什么意思

3. I remembered the books on Henrys washstand and asked her if she would read me a story.

4. In order to solve above problems inside bathroom, a real multiple-function washstand is built and modified after an invention patent.

5. Went upstairs into the servant's bedroom and painted her washstand, towel-horse, and chest of drawers.

6. The provision of basic accommodation, in times past, consisting only of a room with a bed, a cupboard, a small table and a washstand has largely been replaced by rooms with modern facilities, including en-suite bathrooms and air conditioning or climate control.

7. Andesite、VolcanicRock、Basalt、SixAshlar、Sandstone and weird shape processing, such as little square stone、washstand、footstep board、granulous、mushroom Stone、natural shape garden stone and so on.

8. washstand的近义词

8. A mirror hung on a nail above the washstand

9. On the toilet table the bouquets--roses, lilacs and hyacinths--appeared like a very ruin of flowers. Their perfume was strong and penetrating, while through the dampish air of the place, which was full of the spoiled exhalations of the washstand, came occasional whiffs of a more pungent scent, the scent of some grains or dry patchouli ground to fine powder at the bottom of a cup.

10. They possessed only a bed, a washstand and a table.

11. The monkey came in, took the doll in his arms, and jumping upon the washstand, he began to wash its face.

12. Black marble top washstand in toilet; White tile suface to the lavatory trough.

13. A baseball mitt and ball rested on top of the bureau, and on the washstand a pitcher and bowl glowed as white as phosphorous.

14. Mammy plucked a large towel from the washstand and carefully tied it around Scarlett's neck, spreading the white folds over her lap.

washstand 词典解释

1. 脸盆架
    A washstand is a piece of furniture designed to hold a bowl for washing your hands and face in, which was used in former times before washbasins had taps on them.


    e.g. ...a Victorian marble-topped washstand.

washstand 英英释义



1. a bathroom sink that is permanently installed and connected to a water supply and drainpipe
    where you can wash your hands and face

    e.g. he ran some water in the basin and splashed it on his face

    Synonym: washbasinbasinwashbowllavatory

2. furniture consisting of a table or stand to hold a basin and pitcher of water for washing: `wash-hand stand' is a British term

    Synonym: wash-hand stand

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