
weaving cotton cloth是什么意思 weaving cotton cloth在线翻译 weaving cotton cloth什么意思 weaving cotton cloth的意思 weaving cotton cloth的翻译

weaving cotton cloth

weaving cotton cloth 双语例句

1. Textile mills have all kinds of weaving machines and 400 various types of advanced auxiliary equipment, various types of cloth with an annual output of 7.5 million meters, of which Deng Xinrong, Tiaorong, denim, cotton cloth products by the market.

2. Factories of the company To an area of about 12, 000 square meters, employs 280 people, the printing production line 20, 12-Cylinder import a machine, equipped with professional designers and computer tricks separation facilities, to the fabric of various fabrics (including knitting, Soe Weaving, non-woven fabrics, etc.) and various pieces, clothing, Bupi to paint, mortar, Slip, convex pulp, gold and silver powder, glass beads, luminous beads and a series of printing, selling a variety of T/C cloth, cotton cloth, canvas, printing and dyeing cloth, and other cloth.

3. Company covers an area of 23, 300 square meters, construction area of 13, 300 square meters, more than 30 million yuan in fixed assets, more than 500 workers, full-year sales over 100 million yuan and an annual growth rate of 20 percent, the company has 48 air-jet looms, the rapier 86 Taiwan, dyeing line two, six production lines of clothing, weaving factory professional set in wide weaving production of various kinds of cotton and blended series of small jacquard fabric (Zhi Gong, China Fuge, Corrugated cloth wick of the small box, indiscriminate profiling, Wang lights, canvas, double cloth, Zimu cloth, nets cloth, were the words ramps, etc. elastic Series (Zhi Gong Stretch, stretch denim, elastic, such as Jacquard).

4. weaving cotton cloth

4. Various kind of rubber sole, leather shoes glue pattern, plastic cement products, five metals parts and not weaving cotton cloth and the cotton in EVA sea and returns, power glue and packing type are sent out bubble glue etc.

5. Hand-woven coarse cloth weaving technology products are complex, from the mining machine to the cotton line by weaving cotton, spring flower, spinning lines, playing lines, slurry pollution, chaotic lines, drop lines, warp, brush line for fully mechanized, Chuang Tochimoto, out mechanized, hanging loom, suppository cloth weaving, the machine 72 processes of various sizes, which 22 kinds of basic color line can be changed out more than 1990 kinds of colorful patterns, can be called the ever-changing, wonderful workmanship excelling nature.

6. Relying on the governmental support, geographical advantage, and science and technology, we introduced advanced equipments to process granulation spinning, weaving, ropes twisting, produce spinning cotton yarn production, cotton cloth, caddice carpet, pet toys rope, mop, non-woven bags and so on with the help of airstreams machine, and promote production of packaging and printing various species.

7. The company has a strength of more than a set scale of cotton, wool spinning, weaving, dyeing and finishing, garment, one fur in the textile industry partners, provide wool, acrylic, various quality of yarn, cotton yarn-dyed Cloth, all kinds of sweaters, wool underwear and the mass production of artificial fur, yarn and dyeing (bleaching, dyeing nitrile, of the staining).

8. The weaving of hand-woven coarse cloth is extremely complex, and there are72 working procedures from picking cotton and spinning to weaving cotton on the machine.

9. weaving cotton cloth的解释

9. FABRICS: silk weaving fabric, cotton knitting fabric, woolen knitting fabric, knitting fabric, linen, micro-fiber fabric, functional fabric, special fabric, cloth and non-woven fabric, etc.

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