
weir是什么意思 weir在线翻译 weir什么意思 weir的意思 weir的翻译 weir的解释 weir的发音 weir的同义词 weir的反义词 weir的例句 weir的相关词组

weir [wɪə(r)]  [wɪr] 


weir 基本解释


名词坝,堰; 鱼梁(指拦截游鱼的枝条篱); 泰国演员Sukollawat Kanaros的昵称

weir 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 堰:据一份报告(1)认为处理活性污泥使用中心输入式圆形沉淀池(Center-feed circular tanks)的堰负荷为10.4加仑/分钟(gal./min.)每呎堰(weir)长. 周围输入式圆形沉淀池(Peripheral-feedcircular tanks)可以承受较大的堰负荷,

2. 威尔:只是苏格兰人上场仅7分钟就因为暴力行为而被罚下场,这已经是弗格森在英超赛的第8张红卡,扯平阿申纳前队长维埃拉(Vieira)的纪录. 不过威根的人多优势只维持了两分钟就因为罗伯茨在与威尔(Weir)争高空球时手肘撞击对手被判红卡离场而消失.

3. 堰;溢流堰:weight 重量 | weir 堰;溢流堰 | weir plate 堰板

4. 坝,堰:waste products 废品 | weir 坝,堰 | zeolite 沸石

5. weir

5. weir:world eye injury registry; 在国际眼外伤登记

weir 词典解释

1. 堰;拦河坝
    A weir is a low barrier which is built across a river in order to control or direct the flow of water.

2. (置于河中捕鱼的)鱼梁,拦鱼栅
    A weir is a wooden fence which is built across a stream in order to create a pool for catching fish.

weir 单语例句

1. Giacomo Puccini's operatic love triangle Turandot gets a ballet treatment courtesy of Australian choreographer Natalie Weir.

2. But Weir closed with an 80 and Woods held on to win the final major of the season.

3. Weir added that the state planned to give California's 58 counties advice this week for implementing the historic change so local officials can start planning.

4. " Over the next few years this ice island could drift into populated shipping routes, " Weir said.

5. Weir's 63 matched his lowest round of the year set in the opening round at Pebble Beach.

6. She was level with Olympian Amanda Weir at the turn before finishing as the only swimmer under 54 sec.

7. But Weir birdied 17 to square the match and won 18 after Woods found swampy water off the tee.

8. Weir has a valid commercial driver's license but wasn't registered with the state as required, police said.

9. Weir is anticipating tough competition from American veteran Paige Railey and China's 2006 world champion Xu Lijia.

10. But Weir whistled cornerback Bodden for pass interference despite what appeared to be minimal contact.

weir 英英释义


1. a low dam built across a stream to raise its level or divert its flow

2. a fence or wattle built across a stream to catch or retain fish

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