
wheelbarrows是什么意思 wheelbarrows在线翻译 wheelbarrows什么意思 wheelbarrows的意思 wheelbarrows的翻译 wheelbarrows的解释 wheelbarrows的发音



wheelbarrows 基本解释

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wheelbarrows 网络解释

1. 轮推车:捕鲸绞机whalewinch | 轮推车wheelbarrows | 鞭形天线whipantenna

2. 手推车:41 Personal Wellness Products 个人健康产品 | 42 Wheelbarrows 手推车 | 44 Heavy Duty power inverters 重型电力转换器

wheelbarrows 双语例句

1. From that savings, I made wheelbarrows that I would hire to wheelbarrow pushers, she says.

2. I saw from the window venerable officials pushing wheelbarrows of archives to them.

3. wheelbarrows的意思

3. We did not have enough wheelbarrows to go round.

4. wheelbarrows是什么意思

4. Some people are like wheelbarrows: useful only when pushed, and very easily upset.

5. The changes involved a variety of things, from living animals and humans to inanimate objects like cars and wheelbarrows.

6. Lawnmowers, wheelbarrows, tools, insecticides and fertilizers all need to be stored in a dry convenient location.

7. P74 Conveying of most building concrete from the mixer or truck to the form is done in bottom-dump buckets or in wheelbarrows or buggies or by pumping through steel pipelines.

8. The work was done with a small mixer and four wheelbarrows, in horizontal strata that matched the height of half a wooden board.

9. These things that occurred almost everyday when at the time there definitely appeared to be two -handled wheelbarrows passing by fully loaded with rapeseed oil, rice or pigs to the slaughterhouses ---- we could have called it a cock wheelbarrow.

10. Opposite a small shanty town in Algiers, Chinese labourers in hard hats push wheelbarrows of cement and dig holes for fence posts.

11. As conveyance, boats, sedan chairs and wheelbarrows were more popular than horses.

12. 911查询·英语单词

12. Their job was to pick up all the rubbish, put it in wheelbarrows and take it to the rubbish piace.

13. The crowd was storming out of the complex carrying antiquities on hand carts, bicycles and wheelbarrows and in boxes.

14. Every day after school they scoured the streets with trolleys and wheelbarrows, adding to the growing mountain of material.

15. Hyper-inflation saw prices in shops change several times a day, severe shortages of basic goods and Zimbabweans taking their money to market in wheelbarrows.

16. wheelbarrows

16. Some looters carried bags of sugar on their backs or in carts and wheelbarrows, and some of it was quickly sold on the illegal market, according to reports.

17. I saw from the window venerable officials pushing wheelbarrows of archives onto them.

18. The peasants have not even wheelbarrows.

19. wheelbarrows

19. They got wheelbarrows full of shrimp there.

wheelbarrows 单语例句

1. Villagers drove trucks loaded with metallurgical products to showcase their industry, followed by others wearing sandals and pushing wheelbarrows to remember the hardships they had undergone.

2. Rescuers carried the bodies away in wheelbarrows and collected the rubble and debris with spades.

3. Epidemic prevention workers are delivering bodies by tractors or wheelbarrows in the area.

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