
winter solstice是什么意思 winter solstice在线翻译 winter solstice什么意思 winter solstice的意思 winter solstice的翻译 winter solstice的解释

winter solstice [ˈwintə ˈsɔlstis]  [ˈwɪntɚ ˈsɑlstɪs] 

winter solstice 基本解释


winter solstice 网络解释

1. 冬至点;冬至:winter solstice 冬至 | winter solstice 冬至点;冬至 | winter solstitial point 冬至点

2. 冬至;冬至点:冬[季] winter | 冬至;冬至点 winter solstice | 线栅 wire grid

3. winter solstice的意思

3. 冬至点:冬至 winter solstice | 冬至点 winter solstice | 二分点 equinox

winter solstice 双语例句

1. Derek Murphy was born in Portland, Oregon in 1979 - on the eve of Winter Solstice and in the middle of what astrologists call the'prophetic cusp.

2. December 22nd is the winter Solstice Day. In many parts of China, it's the day for people to bury their deceased relatives.

3. winter solstice是什么意思

3. We wish you a very happy winter solstice.

4. Because it's winter solstice today.

5. One week ago, we had this winter solstice gathering in campus

6. winter solstice

6. In the Winter Solstice of 2007, there were so many people and cars in Huangjia that it became the ocean of humans and cars.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. June 21st is the summer solstice here in the northern hemisphere, and the winter solstice in the southern hemisphere.

8. Pre-Qin Dynasty after the winter solstice of December in the third Xu days, Northern and Southern Dynasties fixed in the twelfth lunar month until the start eighth day.

9. winter solstice

9. It normally falls on the 4th or 5th of April because it's depended on the Cold Food Day (105 days after previous year's winter solstice).
    它通常会落在第4或4月5日,因为这还取决于对寒食天( 105天之后,前一年的冬至)。

10. After a bumper harvest in autumn and the Winter Solstice, people begin to feel increasingly excited about ushering in the Spring Festival, or Chinese New Year, as the weather gets colder.

11. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

11. Winter Solstice, happy, delicious to eat the dumpling.

12. New Year's Day each year, the Lantern Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Winter Solstice, such as Wan section, the rule in this family held a feast, and after the death of Emperor Ling hearse stopped in the hall.

13. There is another very interesting phenomenon that occurs around December 25th or the winter solstice.

14. The shortest day of the year, in terms of the amount of daylight hours, comes in December with the winter solstice.

15. winter solstice在线翻译

15. Of course, the December Solstice marks the beginning of winter in the northern hemisphere and summer in the south.

16. Civilization of our existence will use the emotions, in December 2012 Winter Solstice of extinction elevated to spiritual

17. The winter solstice, on December twenty-first, is the shortest day of the year.

18. Zhongchun Ching Ming Festival in the late spring and at the turn, that is, 106 days after the winter solstice.

19. We are used to eating glutinous rice balls on winter solstice.

20. winter solstice的解释

20. The winter solstice occurs at the instant when the Sun's position in the sky is at its greatest angular distance on the other side of the equatorial plane from the observer's hemisphere.

winter solstice 单语例句

winter solstice的近义词

1. The end of their calendar comes close to the winter solstice, a natural phenomenon when the path of the sun and the Milky Way equator meet.

2. Ancient emperors used to offer sacrifices to heaven at the temple on the first day of the winter solstice every year.

3. The winter solstice is a day with shortest daytime and longest darkness in the north hemisphere.

4. Today, residents in many places maintain their customs of celebrating the festival of winter solstice.

5. TCM believes that the winter solstice is the best time to nourish the human body.

6. The couple celebrated the Winter Solstice, a traditional rite among the Chinese community.

7. The winter solstice is an important solar term in the lunar calendar in China, which is also a traditional festival.

8. On the Winter Solstice Day, dishes smelled delicious in each and every family.

9. Summer solstice is also observed at the site, but Carson said the winter celebrations are increasingly popular.

10. Nowadays, the tradition of celebrating the winter solstice is still maintained in some regions.

winter solstice 英英释义

winter solstice的解释


1. December 22, when the sun is at its southernmost point

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