
winter squash是什么意思 winter squash在线翻译 winter squash什么意思 winter squash的意思 winter squash的翻译 winter squash的解释 winter squash的发音

winter squash [ˈwintə skwɔʃ]  [ˈwɪntɚ skwɑʃ] 

winter squash 基本解释


winter squash 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 印度南瓜:美国农业部说,南瓜、印度南瓜 (winter squash)、绿叶甘蓝 (collard),和羽衣甘蓝 (kale) 都是上选的抗癌食物. 附加抗癌价值: 南瓜子特别含有大量名为植物固醇 (Phytosterol) 的抗病植物化学物质,所以切开南瓜后不要丢掉. 先把南瓜子上附着的丝络洗净,

2. winter squash的解释

2. 冬瓜:28 西瓜 Watermelon 28 | 29 冬瓜 Winter Squash 27 | 8 梨子 Pears 65

3. winter squash什么意思

3. 印度南瓜;笋瓜:turban squash 扁型(有愣的)南瓜 | winter squash 印度南瓜;笋瓜 | orangeade, orange squash桔子水

winter squash 双语例句

1. Known as the great varieties of winter squash, fruit can be 34 kilograms weight (75 pounds) or more.

2. Flavor and can be used in recipes calling for winter squash.

3. Similar to pumpkin pie but made with winter squash instead of pumpkin.

4. winter squash什么意思

4. Although available almost all the year round, winter squash make their ripest appearance in the early autumn.

5. The Power: Winter squash has huge amounts of vitamin C and beta-carotene, which may help protect against endometrial cancer.

6. Cooked greens like spinach and baked winter squash are also good sources of potassium.

7. Choose winter squash and pumpkins that are heavy for their size, and have hard, dense, unblemished skins.

8. Other memory foods that contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids include flaxseed, walnut, salmon, soybean, halibut, shrimp, snapper, tofu, scallop, and winter squash.

9. winter squash什么意思

9. Omitting the discrepancy of different genotype, the average disease indexes in the same crop were in turn of wax gourd, watermelon, towel gourd, chieh qua, balsam pear, oriental pickling melon, melon, bottle gourd, cucumber, pumpkin, winter squash, summer squash.

10. During the summer months he can be found playing Squash and in the winter he hits the slopes throughout Europe to Ski.

11. Other memory foods that contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acidsinclude flaxseed, walnut, salmon, soybean, halibut, shrimp, snapper, tofu, scallop, and winter squash.
      其他记忆食物含有大量的omega -3脂肪酸包括亚麻籽,核桃,鲑鱼,大豆,大比目鱼,虾,鱼,豆腐,扇贝,和冬季壁球。

12. A type of winter squash shaped somewhat like an acorn and having longitudinal ridges, a variously colored rind, and yellow to orange flesh.

13. danci.911chaxun.com

13. Other foods containing ample amounts of beta carotene include carrots, cantaloupe, winter squash, sweet potatoes, sweet red peppers, apricots and mangoes.

14. winter squash的翻译

14. According to the tree chart resulted from the Model Q analysis these 22 pumpkin varieties were categorized into 4 groups, i. e. Americas pumpkin, Chinese pumpkin, winter squash, black seed pumpkin, which tallies with the traditional classification result.

15. danci.911cha.com

15. Bottlegourd and summer squash were the best stocks for watermelon with high compatibility, followed by black seed squash, winter squash and pumpkin.

16. These veggies include chayote, garlic, onion, potato and sweet potato, rutabaga and winter squash.

17. Large football-shaped winter squash with a warty gray-green rind.

18. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

18. Any of several winter squash plants producing large grayish-green football-shaped fruit with a rough warty rind.

19. One example involves combining fast-maturing vegetables, such as lettuce, field greens or beets, with slower-maturing ones like winter squash or pole beans.

20. Tomatoes, pole beans, cucumbers, snap peas, melons and winter squash are all examples of crops suitable for vertical gardening if staked or supported properly.

winter squash 单语例句

1. A pumpkin is actually a squash, and the lovely butternut pumpkin is actually a winter weather variety.

winter squash 英英释义


1. any of various fruits of the gourd family with thick rinds and edible yellow to orange flesh that mature in the fall and can be stored for several months

2. any of various plants of the species Cucurbita maxima and Cucurbita moschata producing squashes that have hard rinds and mature in the fall

    Synonym: winter squash plant

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