
wire grass是什么意思 wire grass在线翻译 wire grass什么意思 wire grass的意思 wire grass的翻译 wire grass的解释 wire grass的发音 wire grass的同义词

wire grass [ˈwaiə ɡrɑ:s]  [waɪr ɡrɑs] 

wire grass 基本解释


wire grass 网络解释

1. 狗根草:wire grafting ==> 铁丝嫁接 | wire grass ==> 狗根草 | wire grating ==> 线栅

wire grass 双语例句

1. Their own treasures in the mountains can be picked Nor Shoudaoqinlai, you need to abandon road from the famine, in Mau Tso in the walk through at the branches shuttle between the spider's web, always winding you Diaosi Gui (a kind of hanging down from trees with wire worms) will be Suddenly you are hit on the positive, forward, there are caterpillars that you will inadvertently sowed it with a venom that the long hair; grass not to mention, centipedes, insects in the Youyan many anonymous thrive, from time to time also will be swimming with one or two different colors of Sheer, even if the event Buzhaoyier, just to see them abandoned Kusama dragon clothing, we can not but some people tremble with fear?

2. Water Lilies, Wind-Whipped Foam, and Wire Grass at the Lakes Edge Near Lake Waccamaw

3. Fly on grass think to go to specialization with refine on development is the certain way that the website lives, the future that speaks of a website so extends a program, expression flies on grass consider the cooperative intent with Admin5 and website of respect of a lot of stationmaster, the hope can stand fourdrinier wire still has more stationmaster respect websites to cooperate further, can publicize my tool more on stationmaster respect website, I also can stand to publicize their business in mine, will achieve with this double win.

4. This thin, almost invisible wire, lay coiled in grass or in shallow depressions to ensnare the unwary infantryman's ankles or, if he were crawling, his shoulders and torso.

5. Now we have reached a low place of sand and burnt wire grass and, worst of all, we have made the Word of Truth conform to our experience and accepted this low plane as the very pasture of the blessed.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. The new fields of application which cover the field of wire weaving technique, the tufting technology for artificial grass as well as flat weaving technique, are described.

7. Since the second half of 2009, intensify the gradual promotion of management with national goods and materials, Company of electric wire netting, the goods and materials management level to the grass-roots unit have put forward higher requirement.

8. The graveyard had only a light wire fence about it and was all overgrown with long red grass.

9. Pool a total of three elephant, there is an edge of a pool of slow-wire ceremony with his long nose suction to drink; another two to the ground they rolled up grass and throwing sticks go, I do not know are lazy, or in their own searching Huan have a good time.

wire grass 英英释义

wire grass是什么意思


1. coarse annual grass having fingerlike spikes of flowers
    native to Old World tropics
    a naturalized weed elsewhere

    Synonym: yardgrassyard grassgoose grassEleusine indica

2. handsome hardy North American grass with foliage turning pale bronze in autumn

    Synonym: broom beard grassprairie grassAndropogon scopariusSchizachyrium scoparium

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