
wishful thinking是什么意思 wishful thinking在线翻译 wishful thinking什么意思 wishful thinking的意思 wishful thinking的翻译 wishful thinking的解释

wishful thinking [ˈwɪʃfəl ˈθiŋkiŋ]  [ˈwɪʃfəl ˈθɪŋkɪŋ] 

wishful thinking 基本解释

名词如意算盘,痴心妄想; 单凭主观愿望的想法,一廂情愿

wishful thinking 网络解释

1. 一厢情愿的想法:高先生一厢情愿的想法(wishful thinking)是小曾是一个感恩图报的可造之才. 因为这个想法是对高先生最有利的,所以他会很执著的朝这个方向去想事情. 一厢情愿的心理投射,会引导错误的假设,因而做出错误的决策. 在组织管理上要面对的另外一个重要问题,

2. 如意算盘:3.1.2 乐观主义和如意算盘(wishful thinking) 大多数人对他们的能力和前途抱不切实际的乐观看法. 3.1.3 代表性(representativeness) 当人们试图确定模型B产生数据集A的概率时,他们用A反映B重要特征的程度来评估该概率. 在大多数情况下,

3. 愿望式思考:两性的差别在于:在女性,不良的应对策略和过多的愿望式思考(wishful thinking)与8-OH-dG的水平呈正相关;在男性,个体的8-OH-dG的水平与其在职业问题中的自我评价有密切联系,如研究发现,经常自责的男性的8-OH-dG的水平较高.

4. wishful thinking在线翻译

4. (一廂情願):逻辑跳跃:以不确定的事情作为论述基础,一厢情愿(wishful thinking)或大胆假设两岸一旦签署ECFA,中国就会自动放弃打压台湾与重要贸易伙伴如美日签署FTA.

wishful thinking 词典解释

1. 一厢情愿;如意算盘;痴心妄想
    If you say that an idea, wish, or hope is wishful thinking, you mean that it has failed to come true or is unlikely to come true.

wishful thinking

    e.g. It is wishful thinking to expect deeper change under his leadership.

wishful thinking 单语例句

1. European Central Bank council member Axel Weber said investors'bets that the ECB will cut interest rates later this year may be " wishful thinking ".

2. So trying to compel people to kick their bad habits and poor manners overnight through one or several draconian laws reflects wishful thinking.

3. That Taiwan can do without sharing the benefits of the mainland's economic rise is only the wishful thinking of Tsai and her party.

4. Hanoi's wishful thinking in claiming sovereignty over Xisha and Nansha islands with its domestic law amounts to robbery.

5. A statement from Blair's 10 Downing Street office that reports of the top aide's imminent departure were " wishful thinking " did little to quell speculation.

6. He added his own wishful thinking that his Yasukuni visits should not impede economic and other exchanges between his country and its neighbours.

7. But that turns out to be our wishful thinking as new traces of melamine accumulate in the marketplace.

8. It is America's wishful thinking that it can infringe upon other countries'core interests randomly while claiming not to have harmed bilateral relations.

9. Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but Wang is optimistic that his competition in jujube growing will diminish again.

10. And Chen has to recognize that Tai Wan has some lethal drawbacks that can unmercifully smash his wishful thinking into foams.

wishful thinking 英英释义



1. the illusion that what you wish for is actually true

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