
withholding是什么意思 withholding在线翻译 withholding什么意思 withholding的意思 withholding的翻译 withholding的解释 withholding的发音

withholding [wɪð'həʊldɪŋ]  [wɪθˈholdɪŋ, wɪð-] 


withholding 基本解释

扣交;扣留( withhold的现在分词 );拒绝给予;抑制;制止;

withholding 网络解释

1. 预扣:答:一般对美国人或有永久居留权者奖学金不会被预扣(withholding)部分以备缴税自与美国有税率条例(TAX TREATY)的约定的国家(台湾目前没有)的学生奖学金不会被

2. 扣缴:这些律师受雇于职业介绍所,由职业介绍所负责缴税、扣缴(withholding)和其它与雇用相关的事务. 这样一种交易的成功很显然取决于存在未就业的适格律师的供应和事务所对暂时性协助的需求. 有许多无法在事务所中找到工作还有不愿意体验个体执业艰辛的律师已经发现,

3. 预扣(税):IRS宣布非居民纳税人缴纳预扣税(Withholding)的新规定美国国税局(IRS)通知出台新规定,确定在美国境内提供服务的非居民纳税人(Nonresidents)需要从薪资中预扣的所得税额.

4. 预提:每个月你收到的工资单会表示你的净收入,联邦个人所得税的预提(withholding)以及social security tax, 和州税的预提. 一般来说联邦税的预提比例是10%(相对于国际学生来说).

withholding 单语例句

1. The public's initial panic and later composed collective defence against SARS demonstrated a sharp contrast between the authorities'withholding and publishing information.

2. " The NBA is withholding comment until it can review the incident, " NBA spokesman Tim Frank said.

3. Withholding truth does not necessarily mean telling lies because the latter is often viewed as an act of desperation or a sign of imminent failure.

4. Article 11 A service fee equivalent to 2 per cent of the amount of tax withheld shall be paid to the withholding agent.

5. If the recipient is a bank or financial institution, the withholding tax rate will be further reduced to 5 percent.

6. Binghamton police are withholding the names of victims until they have notified relatives and can release all the names at once.

7. The International Atomic Energy Agency's governing board condemned Iran on Saturday for withholding sensitive nuclear information.

8. It is also charged with investigating governmental agencies that have been accused of withholding information in violation of the law.

9. The authorities are withholding the identities of the dead until next of kin have been notified.

10. SHANGHAI - A Shanghai charity has refuted allegations that it is withholding large amounts of money slated for victims of last November's deadly fire.


withholding 英英释义



1. the act of deducting from an employee's salary

2. the act of holding back or keeping within your possession or control

    e.g. I resented his withholding permission
           there were allegations of the withholding of evidence

3. income tax withheld from employees' wages and paid directly to the government by the employer

    Synonym: withholding tax

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