
wonderland是什么意思 wonderland在线翻译 wonderland什么意思 wonderland的意思 wonderland的翻译 wonderland的解释 wonderland的发音 wonderland的同义词

wonderland [ˈwʌndəlænd]  [ˈwʌndərlænd] 


wonderland 基本解释

名词仙境,奇境; 奇特的地方

wonderland 网络解释

1. wonderland的反义词

1. 奇境:此后温特波顿开始导演一批小制作影片,其中<<奇境>>(Wonderland)一片和他那些感情激烈的作品呈现出迥异的风格,成为他迄今最成功的电影之一. 2000年,他带来了一部大制作的西部片<<蛮荒情仇>>.

2. wonderland的翻译

2. 仙境谋杀案:她塑造的职业冲浪运动员安妮(Anne Marie Chadwick),意志坚定,勇敢独立,不畏挫折,给观众留下了深刻印象,她的事业由此开始起飞,陆续出演了<<诱惑法则>>(The Rules of Attraction)、<<仙境谋杀案>>(Wonderland)、<

wonderland 词典解释

1. (童话中的)仙境,奇境
    Wonderland is an imaginary world that exists in fairy stories.


2. 非常奇妙的地方;极美丽的地方
    You can refer to a place as a wonderland when it is strange and very beautiful or exciting.


    e.g. Children find Lake George Village a wonderland of amusement parks.

wonderland 单语例句

1. The eons have made Zhijin Cave a wonderland for tourists who enjoy its 150 scenic spots in 47 separate caverns.

2. " Our'chocolate wonderland'will be beyond the imagination, " Cheng told Metro.

3. Wonderland also offers education courses to parents and their children under age 6, and introduces a team of " Hearty Sisters " to offer psychological counselling to children.

4. Snow is falling softly and a beautiful winter wonderland is being created all around me.

5. The crystal ice branches, silver twinkling rime and clear water in the Yalu River constituted the tranquil wonderland scenery.

6. Walking around Dulwich College Shanghai this week is like stepping into a Lunar New Year wonderland.

7. The various orchids on display at the Marina Bay Sands Exhibition and Convention Center turned the hall into a spectacular wonderland.

8. The collection reached a crescendo with a gown fit for Alice in Wonderland's Queen of Hearts.

9. The wonderland is not only an attractive tourism destination but also the new location of Changchun Film Studio.

10. We loved the wordy menu with its whimsical descriptions and the Alice in Wonderland feeling was further reinforced as every dish offers wine pairings.

wonderland 英英释义



1. an imaginary realm of marvels or wonders

2. a place or scene of great or strange beauty or wonder

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