
wrangle是什么意思 wrangle在线翻译 wrangle什么意思 wrangle的意思 wrangle的翻译 wrangle的解释 wrangle的发音 wrangle的同义词 wrangle的反义词

wrangle [ˈræŋgl]  [ˈræŋɡəl] 


wrangle 基本解释

不及物动词争吵; 争论

及物动词通过争辩使某人…; 放牧

名词争吵; 吵架

wrangle 相关例句


1. They wrangled over what to do next.


1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. We avoided wrangles and got down to business.

wrangle 网络解释

1. 争吵:去掉速度加街道,动乱-骚动-暴风雨(tempest)成年在前才掺假(adulterate),每天吃ve成习惯(inveterate)喝水的巫婆(hag)那个唠叨(nag),娃娃摇摆(wag)她追随(tag)吊胃口(dangle),我得到(wangle),花争吵(wrangle),它混乱(tangle),

2. 口角:wraith 鬼魂 | wrangle 口角 | wrangler 口角者

3. 辩论:jangle 争吵 | wrangle 辩论 | babble 唠叨

4. wrangle的翻译

4. 争论,争辩. 争吵:waive 放弃,不坚持(权利,要求等) | wrangle 争论,争辩. 争吵 | waiver 自动放弃,弃权,弃权声明书

wrangle 词典解释

1. (长时间)吵架,争吵,争论
    If you say that someone is wrangling with someone over a question or issue, you mean that they have been arguing angrily for quite a long time about it.

    e.g. The two sides have spent most of their time wrangling over procedural problems...
    e.g. A group of MPs is still wrangling with the government over the timing of elections.

There was some wrangling between creditors about who was to blame.

wrangle 单语例句

1. Han's attack found an echo among his fans and the wrangle escalated and got out of control when more people became involved.

2. Eight British servicemen were freed on Thursday after three nights in Iranian hands, ending a wrangle that had threatened to inflame tensions over Britain's presence in Iraq.

3. The country's leading female authors and critics wrangle over the current meaning of feminism in print.

4. The wrangle over emission reductions froze a timetable for government ministers to negotiate a host of complex issues.

5. The legal wrangle over sports gambling and its potential impact on morality has stoked heated debate not only in China but also around the world.

6. FIFA has given the FPF until September 14 to resolve the wrangle or face suspension from all international competition.

7. No sooner had Annan spoken than a wrangle ensued over where the reform blueprint should be discussed.

8. The continuing wrangle between the octogenarian and his family has amplified concern over succession plans and rattled investors.

9. The spree of killings comes as lawmakers wrangle over how big a say Sunni Arab Muslims should have drawing up the country's new constitution.

10. Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso said he did not think the bank wrangle would endanger the deal to shut Yongbyon.

wrangle 英英释义


1. an instance of intense argument (as in bargaining)

    Synonym: hagglehagglingwrangling

2. an angry dispute

    e.g. they had a quarrel
           they had words

    Synonym: quarrelrowwordsrun-industup


1. to quarrel noisily, angrily or disruptively

    e.g. The bar keeper threw them out, but they continued to wrangle on down the street

    Synonym: brawl

2. herd and care for

    e.g. wrangle horses

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