
youth hostel是什么意思 youth hostel在线翻译 youth hostel什么意思 youth hostel的意思 youth hostel的翻译 youth hostel的解释 youth hostel的发音

youth hostel [ju:θ ˈhɔstəl]  [juθ ˈhɑstəl] 

第三人称复数:youth hostels

youth hostel 基本解释


youth hostel 网络解释

1. 青年旅店:二百公尺外接连的露营区是加拿大少有的大营区,班夫青年旅店(Youth Hostel)也侧身其间. 哥伦比亚地鼠爱在草地上追逐嬉戏,糜鹿及骡耳鹿悠游林间吃草,大角羊偶尔也加入行列;树林则是鸟儿天地,啄木鸟忙碌地啄开树皮捕食,

2. youth hostel的解释

2. 自助旅社:住宿选择一:青年自助旅社(Youth Hostel)这是较为人熟知的一种廉价住宿去处,属于国际青年之家联盟连锁会员制,在世界各主要国家都有加盟店. 要住这种旅社必须先办会员证,最好在抵达异国,先打听该城市的青年自助旅社有没有床位,有的话马上搬去,

3. 青年旅舍:当然,有很多经济型酒店被冠以某某旅馆之名,尤其是在国外,从名称上判断,经济型酒店(Budget Hotel)与旅馆(Inn)、旅舍/客栈(Lodge)、青年旅舍(Youth Hostel)的交界是比较模糊的,这与经济型酒店的发展轨迹有关.

4. youth hostel:yh; 青年招待所

youth hostel 词典解释

1. 青年旅社
    A youth hostel is a place where people can stay cheaply when they are travelling.

youth hostel 单语例句

1. Further down the lane is the renowned Chengdu Dragon Town Youth Hostel.

2. Arce Montes was placed on the suspect list when they found his name connected to an incident in another French youth hostel in 1994.

3. Li believes that the Olympics could become the driving force that would propel the further development of the youth hostel industry and culture.

4. But he talked most to a few Texans from Dallas he met when using the Internet at the nearby Friendship Youth Hostel.

5. There is even a Confucius international youth hostel, converted to provide lodging for wayward travelers.

6. The flowers blocked the engine, bringing the plane down by a youth hostel.

7. I finally realized that I am not the kind of " spiritual youth " to enjoy the youth hostel.

8. In Cambodia, he met a Belgian man in a youth hostel who spoke Chinese.

9. The International Youth Hostel also provides this service, but only for its guests.


youth hostel 英英释义


1. inexpensive supervised lodging (especially for youths on bicycling trips)

    Synonym: hostelstudent lodging

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