
zebra crossings是什么意思 zebra crossings在线翻译 zebra crossings什么意思 zebra crossings的意思 zebra crossings的翻译 zebra crossings的解释

zebra crossings

zebra crossings 双语例句

1. To get to his house, we needed to pass a zigzag path and crossed several zebra crossings.

2. By the time we got back to Shanghai, a city scarcely renowned for traffic safety, we breathed a sigh of relief to be back where people run red lights and target pedestrians on zebra crossings – but mostly drive on the right side of the road.

3. zebra crossings在线翻译

3. A zebra crossing is a path across a road, marked with crossings so that drivers know that they have to stop their vehicles there to let people cross.

4. The model requires only a few road traffic information collected, but it can reflected path delay, traffic speed, traffic lights and zebra crossings and other complex factors on the indirect effects of the travel time of vehicles, with a simple and practical features.

5. Most good drivers stop at zebra crossings.

6. zebra crossings什么意思

6. Cars must also stop at zebra crossings if a pedestrian is waiting.

7. Equipment painting programme:1, all the equipment used in surface grinding or blasting derusting descaling process.2, a device that Tu Primer, dry film thickness of 20 μ m; an intermediate paint, dry film thickness of 40 μ m; two finish, paint, dry film thickness of 30 μ m each.3, Topcoat: gantry walking agencies paint yellow-and black zebra crossings.4, the use of paint and color unit agreed.6, equipment configurations:Gantry walking guide and foundation:Goal: car in part: Germany technology geared motorOldham: Taiwan geared motorDragon walk: Taiwan geared motorSeam tracking system: South Korea KODUCTControl: Inverter: SiemensPLC: SiemensOther major electrical components: Schneider7, warranty and after-sales services:1, the installation and commissioning by the supply-side responsible for the necessary tools and debugging officers from the two sides coordinated solution for the installed base by providing drawings, demand-side production.2, the need for assistance to be carried out operations personnel.3, warranty: Since the formal acceptance of users, from the date the warranty period is one year.4, the warranty period if the equipment failure, the user informed suppliers, for the staff at short notice within 24 hours after arrived on the scene to render services.
    再接上个问题请高手把此焊接知识中文译英文有高分哦,急急急!!五、设备涂装方案:1、所有设备外表面采用喷砂除锈或打磨除锈工艺。2、设备的表明涂一道底漆,干膜厚度20μm;一道中间漆,干膜厚度40μm;两道面漆,油漆干膜厚度每道30μm.3、面漆:龙门架行走机构油漆成黑黄相间斑马线。4、油漆颜色与使用单位商定。六、设备配置:龙门行走导轨和地基:龙门部分:小车行走部分:德国技术减速电机十字滑块:台湾减速电机龙门行走部分:台湾减速电机焊缝跟踪系统:韩国KODUCT控制部分:变频器:西门子 PLC:西门子其他主要电气元件:施耐德七、质保期及售后服务:1、设备的安装,调试均由供方负责;调试所需的工具以及人员由双方协同解决,安装基础由供方提供图纸,需方制作。2、供方可协助需方进行操作人员的培训。3、质保期:自用户正式验收合格之日起,质保期为一年。4、质保期内设备若发生故障,在用户通知供货方后,供方人员在接到通知后24小时内赶到现场进行服务。

zebra crossings 单语例句

1. The umbrellas are to protect pedestrians from the sun while they are waiting at zebra crossings.

2. And at pedestrian crossings marked with zebra stripes, drivers are likewise legally obliged to stop and let pedestrians and cyclists cross.

3. Otherwise, a few loving heart zebra crossings are merely meaningless decorations.

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