
zoom是什么意思 zoom在线翻译 zoom什么意思 zoom的意思 zoom的翻译 zoom的解释 zoom的发音 zoom的同义词 zoom的反义词 zoom的例句 zoom的相关词组

zoom [zu:m]  [zum] 


zoom 基本解释

不及物动词嗡嗡作响; 急速上升

名词变焦; 嗡嗡声; 隆隆声; (车辆等)疾驰的声音

及物动词使急速上升; 使猛增

zoom 相关例句

1. Film the whole building first, then zoom in on the door.


1. The motorbike zoomed past us.

zoom 网络解释

1. 缩放 缩放:从打开(Open)对话框内,选择名字为preview.pcb 的文件,然后选择打开缩放缩放缩放缩放(Zoom)练习练习练习练习1. 在工具条中选择缩放(Zoom)方式图标. 4. 使用缩放(Zoom)方式练习,可以调整视图区域的大小. 为了重新看到原5.

2. (缩放工具):COLOR 拾取工具:(PICK) 最常用工具快捷键:空格键但在进行文本编辑时快捷键为:CTRL+空格键 整形工具:(SHAPE EDIT) 快捷键:F10 缩放工具 :(ZOOM)在缩放工具里有些类别: 曲线或手绘工具:(CURVE):F5 矩形和椭圆工具:(RECTANGLE

zoom 词典解释

1. 疾行;快速移动
    If you zoom somewhere, you go there very quickly.

    e.g. We zoomed through the gallery...
    e.g. A police car zoomed by very close to them.

2. (价格或销量)飙升,急剧增长,猛涨
    If prices or sales zoom, they increase greatly in a very short time.

    e.g. The economy shrank and inflation zoomed...
    e.g. Profits zoomed from nil in 1981 to about 16 million last year.
           利润从1981年的零收益飙升至去年的 1,600万。

3. 同zoom lens
    A zoom is the same as a zoom lens .


相关词组:zoom inzoom off

zoom 单语例句


1. You get the close up, the rapid zoom and even the overwrought soundtrack.

2. Police use the cameras to zoom in on certain streets and virtually " walk " down the pavements looking for crime.

3. The pen also has an eraser key and a touch trip, which allows users to erase pen marks and zoom windows.

4. Minimal eye sight has not impaired Jin Wei's fervent belief that he is still able to zoom in on the beauty of the world.

5. One image shows millions of stars in Kepler's full field of view, while two others zoom in on portions of the larger region.

6. One of its highlights is that users can choose to zoom in or out on the map to best fit their preferences.

7. It's CCTV's first nonfiction program to zoom in on a European country.

8. With a touch of the screen you can zoom through two millenniums of Parisian development.

9. British shutterbug Clive Barda will zoom in on some of the world's most famous artists in his exhibition in Guangzhou.

10. We start from the forest and zoom in to the trees, if needed.


zoom 英英释义


1. the act of rising upward into the air

    Synonym: soar

2. a rapid rise

    Synonym: rapid climbrapid growth


1. rise rapidly

    e.g. the dollar soared against the yen

    Synonym: soarsoar upsoar upwardssurge

2. move along very quickly

    Synonym: zoom alongwhizzwhizz along

3. move with a low humming noise

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