
三顾茅庐是什么意思 三顾茅庐在线翻译 三顾茅庐什么意思 三顾茅庐的意思 三顾茅庐的翻译 三顾茅庐的解释 三顾茅庐的发音


三顾茅庐 基本解释

三顾茅庐[sān gù máo lú]

词典have visited the cottage thrice in succession -- to call on sb. repeatedly

词典make three calls at the thatched cottage三顾茅庐。

词典repeatedly to request sb. to take up a responsible post三顾茅庐。

词典request sb. repeatedly to take up a responsible post三顾茅庐。

三顾茅庐 汉英大词典

三顾茅庐[sān gù máo lú]

have visited the cottage thrice in succession -- to call on sb. repeatedly; make three calls at the thatched cottage; repeatedly to request sb. to take up a responsible post; request sb. repeatedly to take up a responsible post

三顾茅庐 网络解释

1. paying three visits to the cottage:塞翁失马 The old man of frontier lost his horse | 三顾茅庐 paying three visits to the cottage | 三人成虎 repeat a lie enough times and it will be believed

2. 三顾茅庐是什么意思

2. Visiting the Thatched Cottage Thrice:26 回马荐诸葛 Recommending Zhuge Liang | 27 三顾茅庐 Visiting the Thatched Cottage Thrice | 28 火烧博望坡 Burning Bowangpo

3. 三顾茅庐什么意思

3. paying three vistits to the cottage:如火如荼 like a raging fire | 三顾茅庐 paying three vistits to the cottage | 甚器尘上 making a great clamor

4. Three visits to the thatched cottage:26 回马荐诸葛 Riding Back to Recommend Zhuge Liang | 27 三顾茅庐 Three Visits to the Thatched Cottage | 28 火烧博望坡 Burning of Cao Troops at Bowang Slope

三顾茅庐 双语例句

1. 后来在一次拜访司马徽时听过他说:儒生俗士,三顾茅庐岂识时务?
    Later, during a visit to Sima Hui heard when he said:俗士scholars, How三顾茅庐know the signs of the times?

2. 三顾茅庐的意思

2. 三顾茅庐的传奇,世人已经熟到不能再熟。
    The three visits to the straw cottage has to be our best-known legend.

3. 三顾茅庐

3. 三顾茅庐智为知己者使----------------------你的智慧、事业、气质全都在这里!
    Sangumaolu unwise to make friends, ---------------------- Your wisdom, the cause of temperament are all here!

4. 因为有了刘备的三顾茅庐,才有了蜀国天下三分有其一。
    Because of Liu Bei's Sangumaolu, there is only one-third of the world Shu.

5. 三顾茅庐

5. 因为有了刘备的三顾茅庐,才有了蜀国天下三分有其一。
    By because of the Three Calls at the Thatched Cottage, and have a one-third of the world Shu.

6. 三顾茅庐成立于2003年5月,是一家集校园文化策划、旅游规划、景观规划设计与建设、商业品牌整合营销为一体的专业策划公司。
    Sangumaolu was established in May 2003, is planning a set of campus culture, tourism planning, landscape design and construction, commercial brand of integrated marketing as one of professional planning company.

7. 刘备“三顾茅庐”的故事就是发生在古隆中。
    The story of " Three Visits to the Hut " happened in Gu Long Zhong.

8. 三顾茅庐的意思

8. 选拔首席执行官这一任务真正要紧的是,找到那位能在任何时候都游刃有余、化解企业所面临的各种挑战的杰出人才,并三顾茅庐
    What matters in CEO succession is identifying and revisiting who can best address the challenges of the business at any point in time.

9. 刘备“三顾茅庐”的故事就是发生在古隆中。
    The story of " Three Visits to the Hut " happened in Gu Long Zhong.

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