
丛丛是什么意思 丛丛在线翻译 丛丛什么意思 丛丛的意思 丛丛的翻译 丛丛的解释 丛丛的发音 丛丛的同义词 丛丛的反义词 丛丛的例句


丛丛 基本解释


丛丛 双语例句

1. 飞梭再往前进,眼前景象突然一变,触目都是一丛丛巑岏嵬崿,狰狞奇诡的石条。
    Wherever they looked, there was group upon group of sharp, lofty, cliff-like, and hideously shaped stone shafts.

2. 大别山硬杂木托盘,来自安徽金寨县,湖北麻城县,河南光山县三省交界处,悬崖峭壁,山林丛丛,风景迷人,被国家旅游局称为天堂寨,硬杂木材资源丰富,自产自销,有合法的砍伐证以及合法的木材外运证书。
    Dabieshan hardtray, from Anhui Jinzhai County, Hubei Macheng County, Henan Guangshan County at the junction of three provinces, cliffs, mountains, charming scenery and was known as the National Tourism Administration Tiantangzhai, hardware miscellaneous wood rich in resources, its own self-marketing, there is a legitimate and legally felled timber permit SINOTRANS certificate.

3. 丛丛在线翻译

3. 郁丛丛的,阴森森的,又似乎藏着无边的黑暗:令人不相信那是繁华的秦淮河了。
    Further yonder, the gloom seemed to hide boundless darkness, which one could hardly believe was still part of the busy Qinhui River.

4. 一眼望去,疏疏的林,淡淡的月,衬着蔚蓝的天,颇像荒江野渡光景;那边呢,郁丛丛的,阴森森的,又似乎藏着天边的黑暗:令人几乎不信那是繁华的秦淮河了。
    Further yonder, the gloom seemed to hide a boundless darkness, which one could hardly believe was still part of the busy Qinhuai River.

5. 于是,我为他们做完祷告,把它们装进一个又旧又破的鞋盒里,埋在了地堡的底部。地堡是我事先建好的,外面傍着大株大株的竹子,离丛丛的黑莓不远。
    So I prayed for them and then I put them in an old torn up shoe box and I buried them in the bottom of the fort that I had built in the ground, out by the large bamboos, near the blackberry bushes.

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6. 于是,我为他们做完祷告,把它们装进一个又一个又旧又破的鞋盒旦,埋在了地堡的底部。地堡是我事先建好的,外面傍着大株大株的竹子,离丛丛的黑莓不远。
    So l prayed for them and then I put them in an old torn up shoe box and I buried them in the bottom of the fort that I had built in the ground, out by the large bambooks, near the blackbery bushes.

7. 沙丘后如盖的树寇若隐若现,像云朵般美伦美奂;沙柳、毛柳点缀在沙丘上,恰似沙湖中的芦苇丛,一簇簇,一丛丛,簇簇色不同,丛丛姿相异;微风轻佛,盈尺的绿草犹如湖水般碧波荡漾。
    After the dunes, such as tree cover, Kou looming, like the clouds as stunning; psammophila, Mao Liu dotted on the sand dunes, like the reed in Lake Naivasha, a clusters of, clumps, clusters of color is different clumps posture dissimilar; breeze light Buddha, Ying Chi's green like a lake-like rippling blue waves.

8. 大大小小的鱼儿,在一丛丛植物的空隙间游来游去,就像陆地上的鸟儿在林间飞翔。
    Fishes, both large and small, glide between the branches, as birds fly among the trees here upon land.

9. 在一排排笔直的,用带刺的铁丝编扎的栅栏那一边,有一丛丛金黄色的秋麒麟草。
    Beyond the undeviating barbed-wire fences were clumps of golden rod.

10. danci.911chaxun.com

10. 我喜欢秋天的菊:喜欢她那千姿百态的模样,有的蓬松锦绣、富贵妖娆;有的娇挂垂丝、妖似媚娘;有的碧中透白、似荷如莲;有的红里藏紫,成熟大方;再看那一丛丛,一片片的小山菊,更透出了她们蓬蓬勃勃的生命顽强。
    I like the autumn chrysanthemum: Do you like her the appearance of strange things, and some fluffy and beautiful, rich and enchanting; some Jiao hanging Malus Halliana, demon like Mei Niang; some Bi in penetrating white, like the Netherlands, such as lotus; some red inside Tibet purple, ripe and generous; look at which clumps, a piece of the hill-Ju, but also revealing the lives of their thriving tenacious.

11. danci.911cha.com

11. 林中矿地附近长着一丛丛野蔷薇,第一朵花开放了粉红粉红的,芳香扑鼻。
      Many a fascicle rosebush grow around the weald, the first flower bloomed in deep fink and sends out strong fragrance.

12. danci.911chaxun.com

12. 只记得同妈妈坐在一乘二人抬的,专为下乡,从轿铺里雇来的鸭篷轿里,刚一走出那道又厚又高的城门洞,虽然还要走几条和城里差不多同样的街,才能逐渐看见两畔的铺面越来越低、越小、越陋,也才能看见铺面渐稀,露出一块一块的田土,露出尘埃甚厚的大路,露出田野中间一丛丛农庄上的林木,然而鼻端接触到那种迥然不同的气息,已令我这个一年只有几度出城,而又富有乡野趣味的孩子,恍惚起来。
      However what I breathed with my nose was very different outdoor rural atmosphere than the air in the town, which made a boy like me, had a fascination for the life of rural areas, who was only several times a year out of the city, .into an ultimate trance.

13. 在这些纠缠中和溪水拐弯处,丛丛束束的樱花草满目都是。
      Among the tangle and near the water-lip, tufts and bunches of primroses, in abundance.

14. 丛丛

14. 丛丛枯萎的野草发出的热量是惊人的。
      The heat from the wisps of dead grass is terrific.

15. 丛丛

15. 为了真正达到欣赏花园的目的,你必须在每个角落都种上花,丛丛花儿开放,把花园装扮得非常漂亮,每个角落都有四季。
      Some of the most beautiful bloom for only a month at most.

16. 尽管管理者支持从立法上限制二氧化碳的排放,但从议会通过却困难丛丛
      Legislation to cap carbon emissions, though supported by the administration, is struggling to get through Congress.

17. 那丛丛簇簇的菊花,随风摇摆起那婀娜多姿的身段,轻轻跳起那迷人的舞蹈。
      It clumps bunches of chrysanthemums, the wind swinging from that Graceful gestures and gently jump that charming dance.

18. 丛丛什么意思

18. 为了真正达到欣赏花园的目的,你必须在每个角落都种上花,丛丛花儿开放,把花园装扮得非常漂亮,每个角落都有四季。
      To really enjoy a garden, you have to plant corners and drifts and rows of flowers that will bloom and grace the garden, each in its own season.

19. danci.911chaxun.com

19. 如果六个月以后到这个地方来,就会看到:很多饲养家畜的厂棚和牲口圈,长着麦子、玉米和高梁的田野和水草茂盛的牧场,还有,到处都是野玫瑰树形成的篱笆和一丛丛的皂角树、大戟树。
      They are free to marry or not, as they please; but it is worth noting that it is mainly the female citizens of Utah who are anxious to marry, as, according to the Mormon religion, maiden ladies are not admitted to the possession of its highest joys.

20. 如果六个月以后到这个地方来,就会看到:很多饲养家畜的厂棚和牲口圈,长着麦子、玉米和高梁的田野和水草茂盛的牧场,还有,到处都是野玫瑰树形成的篱笆和一丛丛的皂角树、大戟树。
      The country around the lake was well cultivated, for the Mormons are mostly farmers; while ranches and pens for domesticated animals, fields of wheat, corn, and other cereals, luxuriant prairies, hedges of wild rose, clumps of acacias and milk-wort, would have been seen six months later.

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