
traumatic是什么意思 traumatic在线翻译 traumatic什么意思 traumatic的意思 traumatic的翻译 traumatic的解释 traumatic的发音 traumatic的同义词

traumatic [trɔ:ˈmætɪk]  [traʊˈmætɪk] 

traumatic 基本解释


形容词创伤的; <医>外伤的损伤的; 治外伤的


traumatic 网络解释

1. 创伤:英雄往往是孤独、寡言、心事重重、与众不同、才华洋溢的标记; 英雄总有一个创伤(traumatic)的过去,黄飞鸿的错手杀人、蜘蛛侠掉进抑郁、张无忌自少父母双亡; 英雄常有一份不足为外人道的情感世界,魔间行者(Constantine)奇洛理维斯是一个驱魔人,

2. 外伤性:1-1-1 半月板破裂meniscus tear...半月板破裂(meniscus tear)約佔膝關節傷害而需開刀治療50%. ...內側半月板破裂比外側半月板破裂約多三倍. 我猜测有二,一是半月状板破裂(meniscus tear),那是外伤性(traumatic)的,...

3. traumatic什么意思

3. 创伤性:误诊这问题今日尤其严重,因为现今有很多辅助检查,例如X光、电脑扫描、内窥镜等,不多不少也是入侵性(Invasive)和创伤性(Traumatic),当然不能「有做错,无放过」.

4. 使人不快的,令人痛苦难忘的:tick [口]开始起作用 | traumatic 使人不快的,令人痛苦难忘的 | jeopardize 使......处于危险中

traumatic 词典解释

1. 造成创伤的;惊骇的;痛苦的
    A traumatic experience is very shocking and upsetting, and may cause psychological damage.

    e.g. I suffered a nervous breakdown. It was a traumatic experience...
    e.g. For a child the death of a pet can be traumatic.

traumatic 单语例句

1. But being introduced all at once to tens of men with great expectations can be a traumatic experience.

2. What the cyber space reveals is a traumatic scene where water is no longer a resource for life and mountains are not for habitat.

3. Divorce is a traumatic experience for millions of families, and Miramax hopes to heal their pain through the gift of twisted laughter.

4. The three stories that involved a child, two young women and a man were equally traumatic for me.

5. Were the US invader's bombs not traumatic for innocent Iraqi civilians?

6. Abandonment is a terrible experience for anybody and it could be traumatic for children, he says.

7. It will be traumatic and public, no matter how careful you are.

8. The hospital also sent a psychotherapist to help Li and his family cope with the traumatic experience.

9. The defeat capped a traumatic week for Spurs, whose boss Martin Jol looked like losing his job at one stage.

10. Their exit was less traumatic as they surpassed expectations by making the last four for the first time since 1966.

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