
侍奉是什么意思 侍奉在线翻译 侍奉什么意思 侍奉的意思 侍奉的翻译 侍奉的解释 侍奉的发音 侍奉的同义词 侍奉的反义词 侍奉的例句


侍奉 基本解释

侍奉[shì fèng]


词典wait upon侍候;伏侍。

词典attend upon服侍;照顾;陪伴;<正>(危险、风险等)伴随。

侍奉 汉英大词典

侍奉[shì fèng]

wait upon; attend upon; serve:


    look after one's parents;


    She has been attending upon her sick mother for years.

侍奉 网络解释

1. attend vt:attain vt. 达到,取得 | attend vt. 出席,参加,照顾,护理;vi. 注意,倾听,侍奉,伴随 | attendance n. 出席,出席人数,护理,照料

2. attemptvt:attackvt.达到;完成;获得 vi.达到 | attemptvt.出席,参加;照顾,护理 vi.注意;侍奉 | attendancen.陪从;出席人;服务员 a.出席的;伴随的

侍奉 双语例句

1. 侍奉是什么意思

1. 我谨誓要过一个侍奉真父母的生活。
    I pledge to live in attendance to the True Parents.

2. 神在创造亚当後由米迦勒带领到第十至高天,并将天界其余九天的天使全部召集,宣布封亚当为弥赛亚,要众天使对这位弥赛亚膜拜,并赐阿克天使莉莉丝侍奉亚当。
    God created Adam from Michael after the 10th to lead the high days and the remaining nine days of the industry to convene all the Angels, announced closure for the Messiah, Adam, the angels of the Messiah worshipped, and thanks to Ake Angels Lilith serve Adam.

3. 侍奉的意思

3. 摩登格获得了难以获得的至高荣誉,许多刹帝利和婆罗门都去侍奉他。
    Many were the warriors and brahmans who went to attend on him.

4. 在你所赐给他们这广大肥美之地上,不侍奉你。
    WHO ARE YOU KIDDING? By Rev. Bob GassEven while they were in their kingdom...

5. 我们应当将我们的心思放在天上的事情,而不应该过多的考虑地上的事情,特别是钱财,因为,我们不能同时侍奉钱财和我们的神。
    He will always accommodate our material needs on the earth. we shall set our hearts on the heavenly things instead of earthly things especially money since we can't serve money and God simultaneously.

6. 侍奉

6. 他侍奉了很多上层人物,富翁,政客,和新贵们。
    He had served so many high-class citizens, the rich, the governors, and the new-rich wannabes.

7. 再往下到厉王、幽王时昏庸无道,叔带就离开周王朝来到晋国,侍奉先君文侯,一直到成公,他们世代都建立了功业,从未断绝过香火。
    And then down to Li Wang, You Wang, when stupid is no way to, tert-band left the Zhou Dynasty to Jin, Xian-jun Wen Hou serve until into the public, they have established a meritorious generations, has never been cut off incense.

8. 再往下到厉王、幽王时昏庸无道,叔带就离开周王朝来到晋国,侍奉先君文侯,一直到成公,他们世代都建立了功业,从未断绝过香火。
    Arrive the fierce king downwards again, 幽 king faint the 庸 without the way, the uncle takes and then leave king an an an an an an an an an an an an a week toward arrive at the Jin country, wait on to receive the my late father text 侯, has been arrive to become Mr., their generations all built up the great accomplishments, have never rupture the joss stick.

9. 躬。我谨誓且以个人的荣誉发誓,我要尽一切力量来侍奉文鲜明牧师。
    I pledge and give my word of honor to devote all that I possess in attendance to the Reverend Sun Myung Moon.

10. 3:7 以色列人行耶和华眼中看为恶的事,忘记耶和华他们的神,去侍奉诸巴力和亚舍拉
    And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD, and forgat the LORD their God, and served Baalim and the groves.

11. 胜利!」我谨誓相信文鲜明牧师,并要侍奉他。
      Victory! I pledge to believe in and attend Reverend Sun Myung Moon.

12. 大卫死后,所罗门开始这项伟大荣耀的工程,圣殿与同时代许多雄伟工程比较而言,虽然较小,但仍旧非常杰出,详情在历代志下2-7中有述,耶路撒冷的圣臀与那里的祭司,就成了侍奉神的中心。
      After David ` s death Solomon commenced this great and glorious task.

13. 中国人慎终追远的儒家思想有所感染,最欣慰的是我能够在先母的晚年得以侍奉在侧,我特?
      My mother, who I was very close to, was slowly becoming frailer and had many problems.

14. 侍奉

14. 他们是属于第一和至高无上的三个一组的天主宝座,地位仅次于炽天使和智天使;这个地位使得他们在侍奉天主中,成为了一些最有力量的天使。
      They belong to the first and highest triad of the heavenly host, standing just below the seraphim and the cherubim; this position makes them some of the most powerful angels in the service of the Lord. According to St.

15. 但一名法庭职员表示上帝的回复神秘的出现在了一个文件上。上面写着他从来没有得到适合的侍奉过。
      But in a legal response that a court clerk says appeared mysteriously, God says he was never properly served.

16. Modern:孔子说:卑鄙陋劣的人可以让他侍奉国君吗?
      English: Confucius said:Can we allow a treacherous man to serve the lord?

17. 6:6 不要只在眼前侍奉,像是讨人喜欢的,要像基督的仆人,从心里遵行神的旨意。
      Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart

18. 是—的—很好。你可以,嗯,平身,然后从此侍奉我,我忠诚的维吉尔
      You may, uh, rise and serve me, loyal Virgil...

19. 想要就拿去吧,我保证会作为你们的管家,引导和侍奉你们,直到你们对自己的位置满意。
      Take it if you wish-I promise to serve and guide you as your seneschal until you grow comfortable with the position.

20. 他的喉头呼噜呼噜响,一口紧似一口地倒气,一阵痛苦的喘息之后,他微微睁开滞涩的双眼,浑浊的目光示意侍奉在身旁的宠臣隆科多取来暗藏密诏的金匣子,从枕下摸出钥匙,递给隆科多,指着金匣子,断断续续地对隆科多说:朕……怕是不行了,日后……爱卿……要着意辅佐……新君,掌握……祖宗留下的……社稷。
      His throat呼噜呼噜ring, an inverted紧似to a gas, a painful breathing, his eyes slightly open滞涩turbid eyes indicate the宠臣serve in the next fetch隆科多gold hidden密诏box, from the suboccipital find the key to the隆科多, pointing to gold box, and off to the隆科多said: I am afraid of is the point of death …… the future …………爱卿effort to assist the new …… Jun, master ancestors left behind ………… state.

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