
刺骨是什么意思 刺骨在线翻译 刺骨什么意思 刺骨的意思 刺骨的翻译 刺骨的解释 刺骨的发音 刺骨的同义词 刺骨的反义词 刺骨的例句


刺骨 基本解释

刺骨[cì gǔ]



词典piercing to the bone刺骨。

词典cut to the bone削减;刺骨。


刺骨 汉英大词典

刺骨[cì gǔ]

piercing to the bone; cut to the bone; piercing; biting:


    piercing cold;


    The cold wind chills one to the bone.

刺骨 双语例句

1. 我知道她不幸福,因为我知道她那条受过伤的腿,很难支撑着她顶住刺骨的风和冰凉的雨。
    I know her not happy, because I know she the injured leg, it is difficult to support her against wind and cold biting the rain.

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2. 寒风刺骨的冬天已经过去,鲜花正竞相开放。
    The winter, which cold wind torn skin, passed and flowers are blooming.

3. 一推开车门,刺骨的风和冰冷的雨点打在脸上,不由得打了个抖索。
    Pushed a door, biting winds and icy rain hit your face, can not help I called Dousuo.

4. 下午的祷告结束以后,我们沿着一条无遮无拦的山路回校。刺骨的寒风,吹过大雪覆盖的山峰,刮向北边来,几乎要从我们的脸上刮去一层皮。
    At the close of the afternoon service we returned by an exposed and hilly road, where the bitter winter wind, blowing over a range of snowy summits to the north, almost flayed the skin from our faces.

5. 刺骨在线翻译

5. 宾夕法尼亚州这里刺骨寒冷的天气已经持续了一段时间了。
    It has been so bitterly cold here in Pennsylvania.

6. 刺骨的翻译

6. 风用刺骨寒风做到的事情,太阳用暖暖的阳光就做到了。
    What the wind could not do with its harsh blast, the sun did with its soft, warm rays.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. 沉寂的松花江水刚刚解冻,刺骨的东北风才稍稍收敛,哈工大微软技术俱乐部这只早起的雄鸡就已报响了哈尔滨工业大学2006年的社团活动的第一鸣,于4月2日在校举行了新一年微软俱乐部会员大会,它将忙碌一年的莘莘学子们曳回了思路的边缘。
    When the quiet water of the Songari River just melts, and the biting northeast wind just shows slight restraint, the MSTC of Harbin Institute of Technology, like the *** rising with the lark, has sounded the first voice in the association campaigns of 2006, on April 2, holding the general meeting of the new year.

8. 沉寂的松花江水刚刚解冻,刺骨的东北风才稍稍收敛,哈工大微软技术俱乐部这只早起的雄鸡就已报响了哈尔滨工业大学2006年的社团活动的第一鸣,于4月2日在校举行了新一年微软俱乐部会员大会,它将忙碌一年的莘莘学子们曳回了思路的边缘。
    When the quiet water of the Songari River just melts, and the biting northeast wind just shows slight restraint, the MSTC of Harbin Institute of Technology, like the *** rising with the lark, has sounded the first cry in the association campaigns of 2006, on April 2, holding the general meeting of the new year.

9. 这是一个令人愉快的日子—阴暗的天空,刺骨的寒风,零下的气温。
    It was one of those glorious days—overcast skies, a cutting wind, and sub-zero temperatures.

10. 刺骨的意思

10. 你肯定是对的,我当然不会想要从这里跳进那冰冷刺骨的水里去!
    You must be right; of course I don`t want to jump into the icy water from here!

11. 亲爱的 Evelyn ,一切都出乎我的意料,这里很冷,冷的刺骨,但当我想起你,心中便有一股暖流,温暖了我的心。
      Dear Evelyn. It ` s different than I thought it would be here. It ` s cold, so cold it goes deep you ` re your bones. There is one place I can to find warmth that is to think of you.

12. 冲裁拳同样刺骨的有圆锥孔中,在较低的鞋子塞进行处理。
      The blanking punch also functions as the piercing die, having a tapered hole in it and in the lower shoe for slug for disposal.

13. 你的目的是不是想用暴风雪来输出boss?还是你对在PVE天赋里不加刺骨感到比较遗憾?
      Do you want to be able to use Blizzard on bosses, or are you just sad to skip Frostbite in a PvE build?

14. 我记得草原的冬天刺骨的冷,我记得我的爸爸送给我两块煤。
      I remembered my parents sent me two big chunks of cool.

15. 篝火上烤着栗子冰霜正刺骨地吹向你们的鼻子唱诗班正在唱着圣诞颂歌人。。。
      The Christmas Song Chestnuts roasting on an open fire Jack Frost nipping at your nose Yule-...Merry Christmas to you.

16. 刺骨的反义词

16. 寿命只限於夏秋的蝉,很难与它述说白雪覆盖大地、寒风刺骨的冬季景象
      It is impossible to talk with Cicada about winter scene in which snow covers field and cold wind pierces.

17. 寿命只限于夏秋的蝉,很难与牠述说白雪覆盖大地、寒风刺骨的冬季景象
      It is impossible to talk with the Cicada about winter, snow covered fields and the piercing cold wind.

18. 冬日漫漫,刺骨的严寒和弥漫的风雪无情地摧残着矿工们的身躯;夏日炎炎,蚊蝇飞舞,矿工们一年四季也得不到片刻休整。
      Imagine working through long winters plagued by biting cold and blinding snowdrifts. Summer brought no respite, just great swarms of gnats, mosquitoes and gadflies.

19. 当寒风刺骨而你又想吃点什么的时候,嚼嚼全营养坚果吧。
      When the wind has a bite and you feel like a bite, then bite on the whole Nut.

20. 艾滋病是一种感觉:疼痛、刺骨、刺痛、灼烧、沉重、阴郁、虚弱、消瘦、无力、毁坏和丧失一切。
      AIDS is feeling—painful sharp tingling burning heavy dull weakening wasting engraving diminishing dest6roying bereaving.

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