
北京科技大学是什么意思 北京科技大学在线翻译 北京科技大学什么意思 北京科技大学的意思 北京科技大学的翻译


北京科技大学 基本解释


词典University Of Science and Technology Beijing北京科技大学。

北京科技大学 网络解释

1. University of Science & Technology Beijing:3. Beijing Foreign Studies University 北京外国语大学 | 4. University of Science & Technology Beijing 北京科技大学 | 5. Beijing Language and Culture University 北京语言文化大学

2. Beijing University of Science and Technology:Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications :北京邮电大学 | Beijing University of Science and Technology :北京科技大学 | Central China Agricultural University :华中农业大学

北京科技大学 双语例句

1. 北京科技大学的意思

1. 翁军,朱逢吾,王文东,职任涛,张得志,肖纪美北京科技大学北京科技大学材料物理系
    WENG Jun; ZHU Fengwu; WANG Wendong; ZHI Rentao; ZHANG Dezhi; XIAO Jimei University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083

2. 王金锋1,2,高雅春2,谢志鹏3,孙加林11。北京科技大学材料科学与工程学院,北京 100083; 2。河北理工大学轻工学院,唐山 063020
    School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China

3. 北京科技大学信息工程学院,北京,100083;2。北京科技大学冶金生态与工程学院,北京,100083
    School of Metallurgy and Ecology Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, 100083, China

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. 北京科技大学冶金与生态工程学院,北京,100083
    School of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering, Beijing University of Science and Technology, Beijing 100083, China

5. 北京科技大学冶金与生态工程学院,北京 100083
    School of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering, University of Science and

6. 北京科技大学冶金与生态工程学院,北京 100083
    Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering school, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China

7. 北京科技大学的反义词

7. 三参数威布尔分布置信限的确定和C─R─S─N曲线的拟合谈嘉祯,边新孝北京科技大学机械工程学院,北京100083摘要论述了利用三参数威布尔分布描述机械零件疲劳寿命,并在一定置信度下求R─S─N曲线的方法。
    The paper discusses the use of Weibull distribution of three-parameter to describe the fatigue life of machine element, and proposes a new method to fitting R-S-N curves under certain confidence.

8. 李颖宏1,2,刘亚利2,尹怡欣1,庞一贵21。北京科技大学信息学院,北京 100080
    School of Information and Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100080, China

9. 北京科技大学

9. 北京科技大学材料科学与工程学院,北京 100083
    School of Materials Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China

10. 1北京科技大学土木与环境工程学院,北京100083:2中国矿业大学化学与环境工程学院,北京100083
    Beijing University of Science and Technology, Beijing 100083; 2 China University of Mining Technology, Beijing 100083

11. 大面积无衬底自支撑金刚石厚膜沉积,北京科技大学学报000312
      TONG Yumei(Material Science and Engineering School, UST Beijing, Beijing 100083, China

12. 陆丰;曹凤豫;李承基;张永祥;陈永刚北京科技大学北京科技大学北京科技大学;北京100083,北京科技大学金相教研室;北京机床研究所;北京机床研究所
      LU Feng; CAO Fengyu; LI Chengji; ZHANG Yongxiang; CHEn Yonggang University of Science and Technology Beijing Beijing Institute of Machine Tools Correspondent Faculty of Metallograph, University of Science of and technology Beijing, Beijing 100083

13. 朱晓东,李承基,章守华,邹明,苏世怀北京科技大学,攀枝花钢铁公司,北京科技大学金相教研室
      ZHU Xiaodong; LI Chengji; ZHANG Shouhua (University of Scicnce and Technol ogy Beijing, Beijing 100083), ZOU Ming; SU Shihuai Panzhihua Iron and Steel Company, Panzhihua 617067

14. 北京科技大学信息工程学院,北京 100083
      School of Information Engineering, University of Science and Technology, Beijing 100083, China

15. 北京科技大学材料科学与工程学院,北京100083
      School of Material Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology, Beijing 100083, China

16. 肖拥军,李铁克,尹兆涛北京科技大学经济管理学院,北京 100083
      School of Economics and Management, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China

17. 北京科技大学的反义词

17. 本厂是北京科技大学专业研究、开发耐磨系列铸纲产品的实验工厂,是阳泉市首家系列生产耐磨铸钢及相关成套设备的专业生产企业,地处阳泉市盂县秀水镇桃园坪,距县城不足两公里,北靠太原到北京客运----盂县火车站,东邸太旧高速公路阳泉至盂县延伸线,交通便利。
      This factory beginning constructed in 1981.the entire factory area 12, 000 square, got down sppose vanish workshop and so on mold, casting, machine-finishing. Necessary has 1.5t intermediate frequency inductiong furnace two, the 0.6t intermermediate frequency induction furnace, the correlation vanishes the mold, the casting, the machining lifts heavyobjects the transportation.

18. 李京社,陈培敦,唐海燕,高锦国北京科技大学冶金与生态学院,北京 100083
      School of metallurgical and ecological Engineering, Univercity of Science and Technology Beijing, ,Beijing 100083, China

19. 李瑞青;周国治北京有色金属研究总院;北京科技大学
      LI Ruiqing; ZHOU Guozhi Beijing General Research Institute for Non-Ferrous Metals University of Science and Technology Beijing

20. 赵云丰1;尹怡欣1;付冬梅1 ;王嘉21。北京科技大学信息工程学院,北京100083
      School of Information Engineering, University of Science and TechnologyBeijing, Beijing 100083, China

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