
半夜三更是什么意思 半夜三更在线翻译 半夜三更什么意思 半夜三更的意思 半夜三更的翻译 半夜三更的解释 半夜三更的发音


半夜三更 基本解释

半夜三更[bàn yè sān gēng]

词典in the depth of night在深更半夜;半夜三更。

词典late at night在深夜;夜半更深;钟鸣漏尽;半夜三更。

半夜三更 汉英大词典

半夜三更[bàn yè sān gēng]

in the depth of night; late at night

半夜三更 网络解释

1. small hours of the night:坐立不安 To sit on thorns. | 半夜三更 Small hours of the night. | 挑拨离间 To sow dissension.

2. inthedepthofnightlateatnight:inthatwayinthatcase 内么 | inthedarkinsecretontheslysurreptitiouslyprivily 暗中 | inthedepthofnightlateatnight 半夜三更

半夜三更 双语例句

1. 我在半夜三更听到一个奇怪的声音。
    I heard a strange sound in the dead of night.

2. 要是半夜三更窃贼进入我的房间,我就会扔东西打他。
    If a burglar came into my room at night I'd throw something at him.

3. 你半夜三更把我弄醒,是什么意思!
    What do you mean by waking me up at this time of night?

4. 半夜三更的,你发这个给我,什么意思。
    Late at night of, your hair this give I, what mean.

5. danci.911chaxun.com

5. 有一天半夜三更,门突然被推开了,是她!
    That's her, that woman who called on me in my dream.

6. 半夜三更把我们从床上叫起来是很不礼貌的
    It was no manners to pull us out of bed in the middle of the night.

7. 她男朋友去西岸上学,跟我们有三个小时的时差,所有她经常半夜三更给男朋友打电话。
    Sleep is really important. It can affect your mood and feelings for an entire day, and it can really wear you down after awhile.

8. 如果你想继续和我和租这个公寓的话,你不可以再每天聚餐,也不能半夜三更放声弹音乐。如果你不能遵守这些规矩的话,你随时可以搬出去,我已经把话说很清楚了!
    If you want to go on sharing the apartmeng with me, you`ve got to stop having parties everyday and playing music loud after midnight. if you`re not able to observe these rules, you can move out anytime-that`s the long and short of it.

9. 当本人睡在陌生的房间里时,半夜三更传来可怕的声音:火!
    What tereible words to hear when one wakes up in a strange house in the middle of the night!

10. 我和大禹都不敢在回家,听完这个故事之后是不可能在半夜三更还能睡得着,就在半仙家聊到天亮。
    I dare not at home and dayu, after hearing this story is impossible in the middle of the night, still can sleep in the morning BanXian home.

11. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

11. 可能是开了空调睡觉,我的睡房又是特别热的那一种,所以流了一整身的汗,然后又半夜三更起身了,因为忽然觉得全身肌肉酸痛。
      My bedroom is a hot zone of the whole house.

12. 有三条过硬的理由:他的病人不会半夜三更地让他出诊;也从不会因皮肤治疗而死亡;而且他们的皮肤病永远不会被治好。
      There are three perfectly gook reasons; His patients never get him out of bed at night, they never die from his treatment; and they never get well.

13. 你半夜三更叫我起来想干什么!???好了。。。希望支持我的人继续支持。。。。
      Eg: What do you mean by gettin gme up in the middle of the night?

14. 您在半夜里有时候很烦躁。他的朋友们在半夜三更不请自来。
      You are sometimes at night an impatient man. His friends gate-crashed at very late hours of the night.

15. danci.911cha.com

15. 你半夜三更嘟哝什么呢?
      What's with all that mumbling?

16. 我的D让我半夜三更掏腰包你的D感染了艾滋病毒。
      My dick plays on the double feature screen, Your dick went straight to DVD.

17. 他甚至是半夜三更醒了也要抽上一根。
      He would even wake up in the middle of the night to have a smoke.

18. 911查询·英语单词

18. 烛光与炉火伴着我成长,尤其是在半夜三更醒来以及在午后三点的薄暮时分为甚。
      I live by the light of candles and fires, especially as we wake in darkness and dusk settles at three o'clock in the afternoon.

19. 911查询·英语单词

19. 我和你半夜三更在这个车站干什么?
      What are you and me doing at the station in the middle of the night?

20. 当我到达那里是已是半夜三更
      And it was already mid-night when I arrived there.

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