
同升是什么意思 同升在线翻译 同升什么意思 同升的意思 同升的翻译 同升的解释 同升的发音 同升的同义词 同升的反义词 同升的例句


同升 基本解释

The rise;

同升 双语例句

1. 愿以此功德,庄严佛净土;上报四重恩,下济三途苦;若有见闻者,悉发菩提心;尽此一报身,同升极乐国。
    Us in considering acquisitions and donations of art, in some cases passing up

2. 同升紧固件公司正以雄厚的研发实力,先进的制造工艺,开拓进取的创业精神,本着质量第一,用户至上的市场理念,努力开发生产适用于桥梁、轨道、船舶、专用汽车、输变电线路等市场的拉铆钉产品。
    Meanwhile, the company is actively cooperating with the world well-known enterprises to build up a solid foundation for the research, development, technical advancement and upgrading of products.

3. 他说,不管我睡觉早晚,我与太阳同升起。
    He said, Whether I retire to bed early or late, I rise with the sun.

4. 非常高兴能与在座的各位欢聚一堂,共同见证爱得思国际教育与考试中心在同升湖国际实验学校的授牌仪式。
    I am very glad to be together with all of you to witness this ceremony. We are here to celebrate TongShengHuInternationalExperimentalSchool`s becoming EdexcelRecognizedCenter.

5. 按照传统国际金融理论,一国货币的对内、对外价值应当趋同,即成正比例地同升同贬。
    According to internationally financial theory, the external and internal value of a currency should be the same.

6. 同升在线翻译

6. 太阳的,与太阳同时出没的太阳的,或与太阳有关的,尤指与太阳同升同落的
    Of or relating to the sun, especially rising and setting with the sun.

7. 元升与太阳同升
    Million liters and the sun with up!

8. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

8. 同样,在研究同升湖山庄精神生态的建设时也很注重历史背景的梳理。
    At the same time, I also emphasize to the historical background in study the the spirit of ecological building of Villa Tongshenghu.

9. 在多元的文化语境中,同升湖山庄文化生态的建设达到了多样化的效果。
    In diverse cultural contexts, the eological culture of Villa Tongshenghu is also variety.

10. 同升湖山庄非常注重设计手段的细致化、设计实践的生态化和技术材料运用的生态化。
    Villa Tongshenghu is pay more attention to the elaboration of design devices, the ecological of design practice and the ecological of use materials technology.

11. 自然生态、社会生态和精神生态这三个子系统完整地构成了同升湖社区的生态体系。
      Natural ecology, social ecology and the spirit of ecological these three subsystems integrity constitute the ecological systems of Villa Tongshenghu.

12. 当耶稣基督再来的时候,将带同升到天上的千万灵魂一起降临。
      When Jesus Christ comes back again, he will bring with him all those thousands of souls who have gone on to heaven.

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