
土狗是什么意思 土狗在线翻译 土狗什么意思 土狗的意思 土狗的翻译 土狗的解释 土狗的发音 土狗的同义词 土狗的反义词 土狗的例句


土狗 基本解释


词典mole cricket蝼蛄。

词典Ddong gae[电影]笨小孩。

土狗 网络解释

1. tu gou:糖水 tang shui | 土狗 tu gou | 土佬 tu lao

2. mutt n:figure v. 知道;認為 | mutt n. 土狗 | at that ph. 此外

土狗 双语例句

1. 本文词意深究部分用语音、语义、语法三阶段方式探讨nat角虫、茸毛虫、土狗仔、扬尾仔等虫仔名的含义;以壁蛇、檐蛇、山狗太、狗嫲蛇等虫仔名为例,试探客语可能的源流与演变轨迹;最后以滴嗲虫、咚嗲龟、叩头虫为例,比较三种语言命名方式的差异。
    Three stages for deeply discussing the word meaning, pronouncing, the meaning, syntax, are applied to tentacle worm, soft and hairy worm, 〔t`u33 keu2455〕, dragonfly; 〔piak4 a55〕、〔san42 kieu24 t`ai 42〕、〔keu24 ma55 a 55〕are used as examples to explore the possible origination and evolved trace. Then 〔tit4 tiak4 ts`u 55〕、〔tu11 tak32 Ku44〕、a click beetle are compared with the nomenclature of three different languages.

2. 爱是接吻,拥抱,和甜言蜜语,其实是狗屎,谎言,婊子养的土狗
    Love is kiss, embrace and sweet words.

3. 养一条黄色的土狗,每天围着我转,走哪儿都跟着我,还可以容忍我发脾气
    Raises a flavescent local dog, every day gathers round me to transfer, where walks all with me, but also may tolerate me to have a fit of temper

4. 狗嘛,不管它们是白的,黑的,黄的,也不管它们的是温顺地摇尾巴,还是恶狠狠地逃闹狂吠,不过是那些从农民手里买来的土狗,都一个价,200块钱,一手交钱,一手交货。
    All dogs bought from farmers are the same, 200 yuan/dog, no matter their color---white, black or yellow, no matter their characters---meekly tail-wagging ones or fierce gnarring ones. Handing over money by one party and delivering dogs by the other.

5. 夜晚,没有星星,只有一弯孤独的月亮,它太细了,就像没有一样,她使尽全身力气,憋出一丝柔和的月光照在一座叫不上名的山上,中的一丛叫不上名的杂草,里的一株毛嘟嘟的,带着一点银色芒刺,就像土狗尾巴的狗尾巴草上。
    At night, no stars, only the lonely corner to the moon, it's too thin, just as there is no, she has made every body strength, Biechu hint of soft moonlight shines on a call is not on the name of the mountain, in a bundle called the non - on the name of weeds, inside a hair toot, and with a little silver prick, just like dog on the tail of the dog's tail grass.

6. 土狗的意思

6. 正因为如此,土狗是非常好的猎犬。
    Because of this, tu-gous are very good hunters.

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7. 从某种程度上说好的土狗就像黑鬼
    Well, in many ways, a good mongrel dog is like a Negro.

8. 你看过土狗吗?
    Have you ever seen a tu-gou?

9. 篱笆能起到隔离土狗的作用,尤其是篱笆至少有两米高。
    Fences may help keep out coyotes, especially if the fences are at least two meters high.

10. 你不想让人们知道信用卡产业,就像是一群穷凶极恶的土狗在啃噬穷人的骨头,对吗?
    You don't want people to know that the creadit card industry is essentially a pack of hyenas crunching on the bones of the poor. Do you?

11. 土狗的意思

11. 土狗第二声的嗥叫是对着HELEN去的?
      Is that second hyena cry for Helen?

12. danci.911cha.com

12. 土狗很聪明,学习快速,又非常忠心。
      Tu-gous are very smart, learn quickly and are very loyal.

13. 这家伙体型蛮大,毛和羊毛差不多,是只艾尔谷犬和土狗的混血狗。
      It was a large woolly dog, half Airedale, half pariah.

14. 对于部分养狗的人来说,养名狗是其身份地位的象征,这些人多多少少不大喜欢土狗,尽管它们一样的可爱与忠诚。
      For the person that raises a dog to the part, the dog that raise a name is its status position is indicative, these people like earthy dog not quite more or less, although they are same lovely with faithfulness.

15. 她笑起来象只土狗
      She laughs like a hyena?

16. 土狗的意思

16. 很明显,土狗们并没有发现他,也没有成群结队地来吃他。
      And apparently, the local dogs not realizing what it was came along and ate him.

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