
好不是什么意思 好不在线翻译 好不什么意思 好不的意思 好不的翻译 好不的解释 好不的发音 好不的同义词 好不的反义词 好不的例句


好不 基本解释

好不[hǎo bù]



好不 汉英大词典

好不[hǎo bù]

(表示程度深,并带感叹语气) how; what:


    How glad I am to have heard from you!


    What a busy place, with so many people coming and going.


    He had a hard time squeezing through the crowd to get up to the platform.

好不 双语例句

1. 甲:那么先尝一尝蔬菜炸馅角然后再试`是日精选-咖哩鸡`好不好?
    A:How about some vegetable samosas to start and today's special chicken curry?

2. 实在是太好不过了-你别人来疯了
    Don't be so fickle in your affections.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. 那是因为他求我好不好呵呵呵。。。
    That's because he pleaded hahaha...

4. 好不

4. 好不容易攒到钱了,又觉得复式楼比商品房好,又想要买复式公寓了。
    Easy to collect money, and that penthouse floor commercial housing than good, you have to buy a duplex apartment.

5. 好不

5. 我爱你!不要让老公分神做了机器下的冤鬼好不好嘛……不要拿这些话气我!
    Do not let her husband do distract the attention of the machine under as a unjust ghost OK? ……better not take these words filling me!

6. 你觉得这个答案好不好?
    I'm waiting for you on the bluestone alley.

7. 男人有钱就会变坏,是的,很多男人都那样,不过,一有钱变坏男人就算没钱有好不到哪里去。
    Men will deteriorate the money, yes, a lot of men out, however, deterioration of one rich man even if no money has not gone well.

8. 好不的翻译

8. 他们好不容易才做到得失相当。
    They only just managed to set off gains against losses.

9. 好不的解释

9. 我花了很多时间好不容易才找到这个护唇膏。
    I have been having a hard time finding this lip balm.

10. 我从没有动摇过我再也好不了了的感觉。
    I could never shake the feeling that I would be better off not around any more.

11. 他们好不奢迂才从墙上的乱缝郸爬了出来。
      They wormed their way out through the crack in the wall.

12. 你不要这么惹我发火好不好?
      Can you please stop making me so angry?

13. 好不的翻译

13. 常餐一早就卖完啦,你说好不好呀?
      Regular meals are already sold out long ago, you tell me it it`s good.

14. 好不

14. 上好包衬后,做好不弛辛尝试。
      After an excellent lining, making a good stress test.

15. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

15. 这对这个好不容易迎来一波经济繁荣期的非洲大陆来说无异于当头一棒。
      This is the hard-won economic boom ushered in a wave of the African continent is no different from a head-on blow.

16. 记忆随着思绪回到15年前,那天小玉象往常一样高兴回到家。一走进院子,看到她家门前那么多邻居围在那指指点点的。穿过人群走进家中,才发现父亲坐在凳上低着头,妈妈在一边流泪,一个阿姨在不停的又说又骂。刚开始她听不懂,慢慢地听清那个阿姨在说什么了。原来这个阿姨是爸爸正儿八经的老婆,父亲下乡支援农村就再也没有回过家,好不容易打听到这,没想到他却在这安了家,有了老婆。
      The memory returns to 15 year agos along with the thoughts and feelings, that small jade elephant is usually one happy return to a house. on walking into yard, see her family, so many neighbors rounded to point out to order at that ago of. cut through crowd to walk into in home, just discovered the father sit low on the head, mother was sheding tears simultaneously, an aunt at continuously say and scold. just started her understanding, heard pure that aunt slowly be say what. originally this aunt was father positive son eight through of wife, the father went to the country support village and then didn't go home any further, the very not easy pry arrived this, have never thought he but at this Anne house, there is wife.

17. 好不是什么意思

17. 我每天好不容易才能喝到一杯咖啡,就这么被你毁了!
      You onIy want me to be generous to those you approve of.

18. 我才不信。噢,说到修车,我这辆自行车的手闸最近不太灵,你帮我看看好不好?
      To me, everything under the hood of my car is just a bunch of thingamajigs.

19. 好不容易到达山顶,马上被神奇的月牙泉吸引住了。
      We were amazed by the beautiful Crescent Moon Spring.

20. 獐头鼠目的人,好不到哪里去,和你谈话时偷偷瞄你一眼,心里不知打什么坏主意,这些人要避开,愈远愈好。
      The people, where less than a good go, and you talk a sneak preview you heart beat I do not know what bad idea, these people want to avoid, the more distant the better.

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