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折桂 基本解释

折桂[zhé ɡuì]



折桂 双语例句

1. 他渴望追上彩虹,抓住它,因为他以为彩虹是连接天地的桥梁,他希冀能步入那云蒸霞蔚的胜景,就如古代的才子步蟾折桂
    He was eager to catch rainbow, grasp it, because he thought the rainbow bridge connecting heaven and earth, he was hoping to be able to enter the scenery of clouds steamed-xia Wei, as the ancient titles and captured wits Buchan.

2. 在2004年10月,她成为她的国家第一个拿到巡回赛单打冠军的选手,在广州的新三级赛事中由资格赛晋级并最终折桂
    In October of 2004, she became the first Tour singles titlist from her country, qualifying for and then capturing the new Tier III event in Guangzhou.

3. 尽管他在1966年的意大利布索尼钢琴大赛、1968年的蒙特利尔钢琴大赛中纷纷折桂,但令奥尔森声名大噪的还是在1970年肖邦国际钢琴大赛中夺得的金奖,并因此被外界一致公认为是他那一代人中的钢琴翘楚。1994年,奥尔森被授予埃弗里·费舍尔奖。1998年,他在密歇根大学的安阿伯分校被授予杰出艺术家奖。
    Although he won First Prizes at the 1966 Busoni Competition in Italy and 1968 Montréal Piano Competition, it was his 1970 triumph at the Chopin Competition in Warsaw, where he won the Gold Medal, that brought him worldwide recognition as one of the finest pianists of his generation. Mr. Ohlsson was awarded the Avery Fisher Prize in 1994 and received the 1998 University Musical Society Distinguished Artist Award in Ann Arbor, Mich.

4. 元·曹德《折桂令》出身厨师世家,传承中国美食文化精髓,坚持发扬新饮食文化,少斌厨艺的办学根本。
    Bore of a cook family with an ancient and honoured name, come down from the soul of the Chinese cusine, insist on developing new food culture, which are the essence of ShaoBin Culinary Art.

5. 从2001/02赛季——31年后球队再次联赛折桂开始,来自特内里费俱乐部的主教练拉法贝尼特斯带领新球员马切纳、米斯塔、库罗托雷斯、鲁费特、德络斯桑托斯和萨尔瓦等人开始了球队的新时代。
    It all started in the 2001/02 season, which brought with it a League victory, thirty-one years after the last. There were new incorporations to the team, the manager Rafa Benítez from Tenerife Football Club and the new players; Marchena, Mista, Curro Torres, Rufete, De los Santos and Salva.

6. 您认为是什么原因让你折桂诺贝尔和平奖呢?
    In your opinion, what's the main reason that you were honored the Nobel Prize for Peace?

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. 他在过去的26个大满贯中15次折桂,连续22次打入半决赛。
    He has now won 15 of the past 26 major titles and has reached 22 consecutive semifinals.

8. 今年她就是在厦门马拉松赛结束后再于伦敦折桂的。
    This year she is in Xiamen Marathon in London after the end of the title.

9. 三度折桂,在全国也只有他一人。
    It always pays a tribute to homeland, country and perfect with his responsibility.

10. 联合国副秘书长、秘书长特别顾问约瑟夫里德大使在致辞中评价说:我认为这是我在联合国20多年的生涯中,所见到的在秘书处大厦里举办的最美丽的画展,堪称折桂
    It is the most important cultural and liaison platform for the Chinese community at the United Nations.

11. 这是亚洲国家选手第一次在大赛中折桂,也是大赛47年历史中第2次出现并列金奖。
      It was only the second time dual winners were named during the competition's 47-year history.

12. 伊丽莎白•泰勒出生在英国,在《朱门巧妇》、《埃及艳后》及《灵欲春宵》等电影中的出色表演让她声名鹊起,并且凭借《灵欲春宵》在1967年二度折桂奥斯卡。
      She was79.British-born Elizabeth Taylor came to prominence in films such as Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Cleopatra and Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? , for which she won her second Oscar in1967.

13. 当然,真正的灾难要数名誉与财富带来的创伤,折桂诺贝尔奖后,粉丝高兴之余夹杂着些许失望,因为奖项也使这位桂冠诗人哑言,许多几年后才发表了一首诗。
      The real disaster was the trauma of fame and fortune. It was years before she could publish another poem. Her fans'delight in her Nobel prize was mixed with disappointment that it had rendered her mute.

14. 一项新的研究表明,“李”并非中国第一大姓,“王”姓出人意料地蟾宫折桂
      A new study has debunked the notion that Li is China's most popular surname.

15. 尽管在上两个赛季中切尔西轻易地蟾宫折桂,但是在本赛季中,面对强劲的对手曼联和阿森纳,切尔西夺冠之路,似乎显得有点崎岖。
      The Blues have romped away with the in each of the last two seasons, but they are unlikely to have things all their own way this term with Manchester United and Arsenal also racking up the wins.

16. 折桂的解释

16. 陆在易曾经三次获得中国音乐最高级别的大奖一金钟奖,三度折桂在全中国也只有他一人。
      Mr. Lu is the person in China who has been crowned the highest-level prize of Chinese music & Golden Bell Award for three times.

17. 纳尼成为队友评选的年度最佳球员,而赫尔南德斯则在球迷投票中折桂
      Nani was named players'player of the year, while Javier Hern á ndez took the fans'player of the year title.

18. 胜景与激情结合在一起,人们便将应试高中者,誉为月中折桂之人。
      Sites with passion together, people will test the high school, a row of month.

19. 伊丽莎白•泰勒出生在英国,在《朱门巧妇》、《埃及艳后》及《灵欲春宵》等电影中的出色表演让她声名鹊起,并且凭借《灵欲春宵》在1967年二度折桂奥斯卡。
      She was79.British-born Elizabeth Taylor came to prominence in films such as Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Cleopatra and Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, for which she won her second Oscar in1967.

20. 孟子》始有厨字,是周初名庖,周末名厨也--《说文句读》竹里行厨,花下提壶--元·曹德《折桂令》出身厨师世家,传承中国美食文化精髓,坚持发扬新饮食文化,少斌厨艺的办学底子
      Bore of acook family with an ancient and honoured name, come down from the soul of the Chinese cusine, insist on developing new food culture, which are the essence of ShaoBin Culinary Art.

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