
essence是什么意思 essence在线翻译 essence什么意思 essence的意思 essence的翻译 essence的解释 essence的发音 essence的同义词 essence的反义词

essence [ˈesns]  [ˈɛsəns] 


essence 基本解释

名词香精; 本质,实质; 精华,精髓


essence 相关词组

1. in essence : 本质上, 实质上;

2. of the essence : 绝对需要的, 不可缺少的, 极重要的;

essence 网络解释

1. essence

1. (精华液):[产品介绍]植村秀(shu uemura) 深海养护精华液(essence)[使用心得]植村秀(shu uemura) 深海养护精华液(essence)

2. 香精:另外,采用食品级丙二醇、异丙醇、甘油和油脂作稀释剂,对精油、油树脂进行稀释就形成香辛料香精(Essence),对于油溶性的精油、油树脂经乳化处理就成为香辛料乳液(Spiceemulsions使用环糊精、树胶、明胶等将其包裹包埋保护起来,

3. 精华:研究人员利用网络搜索引擎对1990-1999年间73种女性、男性杂志、新闻和其他类型杂志进行了检索,包括<<美国持枪者>>(American Rifleman)、<<精华>>(Essence) 、<<新闻周刊>>(Newsweek)和<<时尚>>(Vogue)等著名杂志.

essence 词典解释

1. 实质;本质;精髓
    The essence of something is its basic and most important characteristic which gives it its individual identity.

    e.g. The essence of consultation is to listen to, and take account of, the views of those consulted.
    e.g. ...the essence of life...

2. 精油;香精
    Essence is a very concentrated liquid that is used for flavouring food or for its smell.

    e.g. ...a few drops of vanilla essence.
    e.g. ...exotic bath essences.

essence 单语例句

1. There are many people in China who specialize in culture, but what is the essence of Chinese culture?

2. Her stories and novels have a heightened sensibility toward anything visual or sensory but most film adaptations have failed to capture her exquisite essence.

3. The essence of charity lies in the true love existing among human beings and charity is based on the spontaneous expression of love.

4. After unwrapping the chocolate and washing away the fragrant mud, an essence oil Chinese massage is a good option to culminate the effect.

5. The choreography is both delicate and dynamic, conveying the essence of the roles from both a visual and spiritual perspective.

6. East and West can coexist in harmony and the essence of a culture can be reflected in its holidays.

7. How to translate Chinese novels into a foreign language without losing their essence and literary style is still a hard nut to crack.

8. Film in essence is a collective form of recreation, but common people can no longer afford it.

9. Zhangjie enjoys communicating with customers and digesting the essence of different national dishes which enables him to create unique dishes.

10. Global economic imbalances are in essence a result of the imbalances in global comparative labor advantages among different countries.

essence 英英释义


1. a toiletry that emits and diffuses a fragrant odor

    Synonym: perfume

2. the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience

    e.g. the gist of the prosecutor's argument
           the heart and soul of the Republican Party
           the nub of the story

    Synonym: kernelsubstancecorecentercentregistheartheart and soulinwardnessmarrowmeatnubpithsumnitty-gritty

3. the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work

    Synonym: effectburdencoregist

4. any substance possessing to a high degree the predominant properties of a plant or drug or other natural product from which it is extracted

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