
perfume是什么意思 perfume在线翻译 perfume什么意思 perfume的意思 perfume的翻译 perfume的解释 perfume的发音 perfume的同义词 perfume的反义词

perfume [ˈpɜ:fju:m]  [pərˈfju:m] 


perfume 基本解释

名词香水; 香料; 香味,香气

及物动词使…充满香气; 喷香水于…

perfume 同义词

perfume 反义词



perfume 相关例句


1. perfume

1. Flowers perfumed the air.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. She perfumed herself with Eau de Cologne.


1. A faint perfume of jasmine came through the window.

2. She was wearing a strong perfume.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. She bought a small bottle of French perfume.

perfume 网络解释

1. 香料:香料及其分类 香料(Perfume)是能被嗅觉闻出气味或味觉尝出味道的,用来配制香精或直接给产品加香的物质. 香料都是有机物,可以是一种单一的化合物,如香兰素、乙基麦芽酚等;也可以是许多化合物的混合物,如莱莉浸膏、留兰香油等...

2. 香精:匿名回答:2人气:993解决时间:2008-11-1418:26 回复: 严格的说,不能称为古龙香水,而是古龙水. 香水的分类根据浓度可分为四种:香精(PERFUME)浓度在20%-30%之间,可持续5-7小时;香水(EAUDEPERFUME)浓度在15%-20%之间,可以持续3-4小时;淡香水

3. 香精 产品添加之化学香味:Peppermint Extract 薄荷萃取 镇静、清洁毛孔 | Perfume 香精 产品添加之化学香味 | Petrolatum 石蜡油,凡士林 润滑剂、保湿剂

perfume 词典解释

1. 香水
    Perfume is a pleasant-smelling liquid which women put on their skin to make themselves smell nice.

    e.g. The hall smelled of her mother's perfume.
    e.g. ...a bottle of perfume.

2. 香精;香料
    Perfume is the ingredient that is added to some products to make them smell nice.

    e.g. ...a delicate white soap without perfume.
    e.g. ...a perfume for skin creams.

3. 芳香;香味;馨香
    The perfume of something is the pleasant smell it has.


    e.g. ...the perfume of roses...
    e.g. There were two lemon trees and I paused to enjoy their perfume.

4. 使香气弥漫
    If the smell of something perfumes a place or area, it makes it smell nice.


    e.g. Flowers started to perfume the air...
    e.g. As they bake, they perfume the whole house with the aroma of apples and spices.

5. 为…增加香味
    If something is used to perfume a product, it is added to the product to make it smell nice.


    e.g. The oil is used to flavour and perfume soaps, foam baths, and scents.
    e.g. ...shower gel perfumed with the popular Paris fragrance.

perfume 单语例句

1. Sun was found to be carrying a bottle of perfume in his bag at a security check point on Monday evening.

2. Scientists have managed to extract essences of the world's oldest scents and reconstruct the aromas used four millennia ago from fragments of clay perfume bottles.

3. A man was so depressed that his girlfriend left him for another man, he tried to commit suicide by drinking eye drops and a bottle of perfume.

4. She also admitted agreeing to launch the perfume after spraying it on her and asking people who eventually gave compliments.

5. The " individual perfume making center " has hundreds of essential oils and spices so that customers can concoct an exclusive perfume that they can wear.

6. Legend has it that a Fragrant Concubine existed during the Qing Dynasty in Kashgar, who exuded an enchanting aroma without using perfume.

7. People in many other countries too make fake products - from forged currency notes, and counterfeit clothes and handbags to imitation perfume and luxury sedans.

8. But her latest role - which sees her posing virtually naked to advertise a perfume - makes her look subtly different.

9. During her recovery she wrote a children's book, " The Showgirl Princess " and launched her own perfume called " Darling ".

10. The designer says it's important to match your perfume to the weather and when it's cold outside he thinks a string scent works much better.

perfume 英英释义



1. a toiletry that emits and diffuses a fragrant odor

    Synonym: essence

2. a distinctive odor that is pleasant

    Synonym: aromafragrancescent



1. apply perfume to

    e.g. She perfumes herself every day

    Synonym: scent

2. fill or impregnate with an odor

    e.g. orange blossoms perfumed the air in the garden

    Synonym: aromatizearomatise

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