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担惊受怕 基本解释

担惊受怕[dān jīng shòu pà]


词典feel alarmed心惊胆怕;担惊受怕。

词典be in a state of anxiety心惊胆怕;担惊受怕。

词典remain in a state of apprehension担惊受怕。

担惊受怕 汉英大词典

担惊受怕[dān jīng shòu pà]

feel alarmed; be in a state of anxiety; remain in a state of apprehension

担惊受怕 双语例句

1. 换言之,这宗接近一年的纷争将于落幕,那些已蚀到入肉的小鄙东,暂时不用担惊受怕血本无归。
    In other words, this case for nearly a year of disputes will be ended, and those who have loss to the meat into a small rustic East, temporarily without fear down the drain.

2. 我最担惊受怕的事终于来了。
    So there it was, the inferno I feared so much.

3. 他父亲穷途落魄,担惊受怕,但仍努力不懈。
    His father was desperate and frightened, but obstinately fighting.

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4. 他为自己的生命安全担惊受怕
    He is in terror of his life.

5. 还是,你正担惊受怕地继续着你的工作,为下班时间的到来默默倒数?
    Or do you dread doing the work, and just count the minutes until time off?

6. 长期担惊受怕,不如一次走险。37。
    Better hazard once than be always in fear.

7. 担惊受怕

7. 罗明坚鼓励他的冒险精神。卡斯特鲁乔有时大风天气偏要乘一艘小船出海,有时不用缰绳马鞍就直接跃上马背,引着一帮伙伴驰入树林,他的母亲每每见到往往担惊受怕,可是罗明坚尽管同情妻子的担忧,自己却从不表现出来,也从不约束儿子的胆量。
    Ruggieri encouraged his adventurous disposition; and although he often sympathized in the fears of his anxious wife, when Castruccio would venture out to sea on a windy day in a little fair-weather skiff, or when he saw him, without bridle or saddle, mount a horse, and, heading a band of his companions, ride off to the woods, yet he never permitted himself to express these fears, or check the daring of his son.

8. 我不在担惊受怕了投入然家里电话响了我想不会是她打的吧原来是找俺老头出去吃饭的。。。
    I do not fear the natural home into the phone rang I do not think she played it I was originally looking for an old man eating out of...

9. 你互联网创事业论坛自己开公司,你会因为很多事情担惊受怕,但是你不会感到虚度生命,在一家大公司里打工,常常会有这种感觉。
    In a startup you have lots of worries, but you don''t have that feeling that your life is flying by like you do in a big company.

10. 这就是为什么很多有钱人常常会担惊受怕
    That is why rich people with lots of money often have more fear the richer they get.

11. 就我目前的境况而言,我其实不缺多少东西。可是,我总感到,由于受到那些野蛮的食人生番的惊吓,因而时时为自己的安全而担惊受怕。以往,为使自己的生活过得舒服,我充分发挥了创造发明的才能,但现在就无法充分发挥了。我本来有一个煞费苦心的计划,想试验一下能否把大麦制成麦芽,再用麦芽来酿起酒。现在,这一计划也放弃了。当然,这实在也是一个荒唐的念头,连我自己也经常责备自己把事情想得太简单了。因为我不久就看出,许多酿造啤酒必不可少的材料我都没有,也无法自己制造。首先,没有啤酒桶。前面说过,我曾尝试做木桶,但怎么也做不好。我曾花了许多天、甚至许多星期、许多个月,结果还是没有成功。其次,没有啤酒花使酒经久不坏,没有酵母发酵,没有铜锅铜罐煮沸。可是,尽管如此,我还是坚信,要是没有对食人生番的惊惧和恐怖,我早就可能着手去做了,甚至也许已做成功了。
      Sometime I contriv'd to dig a Hole under the Place where they made their Fire, and put in five or six Pound of Gun-powder, which when they kindled their Fire, would consequently take Fire, and blow up all that was near it; but as in the first Place I should be very loth to wast so much Powder upon them, my Store being now within the Quantity of one Barrel; so neither could I be sure of its going off'at any certain Time, when it might surprise them, and at best, that it would do little more than just blow the Fire about their Ears and fright them, but not sufficient to make them forsake the Place; so I laid it aside, and then propos'd, that I would place my self in Ambush, in some convenient Place, with my three Guns, all double loaded; and in the middle of their bloody Ceremony, let fly at them, when I should be sure to kill or wound perhaps two or three at every shoot; and then falling in upon them with my three Pistols, and my Sword, I made no doubt, but that if there was twenty I should kill them all: This Fancy pleas'd my Thoughts for some Weeks, and I was so full of it, that I often dream'd of it; and sometimes that I was just going to let fly at them in my Sleep.

12. 我为他的安全担惊受怕
      I'm frightened for him= that he will be hurt, etc.

13. 在他决定离开这里去美国时,我们都为最后的结果担惊受怕
      When he decided to leave for the US we were all worried how it was going to turn out.

14. 我为他的安全担惊受怕
      I was frightened for his safety.

15. 担惊受怕

15. 但这或许就是我一直担惊受怕的地方
      But maybe that's what I'm afraid of.

16. 担惊受怕

16. 因为你,我担惊受怕
      Because of you I am afraid.

17. 担惊受怕是什么意思

17. 过了这么一段担惊受怕的日子,当他躺在旅馆的床上,心慌意乱、烦躁绝望、神经快要崩溃的时候,他忽然想到了互联网。
      Passed so the day of a paragraph of be in a state of anxiety, lie on the bed of hotel when him, lose one's balance, when be agitated despair, nerve is about to break down, he thought of Internet suddenly.

18. 担惊受怕

18. 就我目前的境况而言,我其实不缺多少东西。可是,我总感到,由于受到那些野蛮的食人生番的惊吓,因而时时为自己的安全而担惊受怕
      As in my present condition there were not really many things which I wanted; so indeed I thought that the frights I had been in about these savage wretches, and the concern I had been in for my own preservation

19. 我很是担惊受怕,万一警察注意到我的汽车税已过期。
      I was in a cold sweat in case the policeman noticed that my car tax was out of date.

20. 你的妈妈也总是担惊受怕,只有当捷报送到她的门口时才会转忧为喜。
      In any case your mum is scared enough as it is and is only too happy to pass on the good news when it arrives on her doorstep.

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