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捐弃前嫌 基本解释

捐弃前嫌[juān qì qián xián]

词典bury the hatchet和解,停战;休战,和解。

词典forget past grievances捐弃前嫌。

词典forget previous ill will捐弃前嫌。

词典Let bygones be bygones.捐弃前嫌;遂事不谏;旧事休提;既往不咎。

捐弃前嫌 汉英大词典

捐弃前嫌[juān qì qián xián]

bury the hatchet; forget past grievances; forget previous ill will; Let bygones be bygones.; throw away the past resentment

捐弃前嫌 网络解释

1. bury the hatchet:bury one's head in the sand 不敢面对现实 | bury the hatchet 捐弃前嫌 | Business is business. 公事公办

2. Give up the past grievances:具有税收性质的政府性基金或专项性收费 Government funds and special charges of a tax nature | 捐弃前嫌 Give up the past grievances | 决策 Decision-making

3. bury the hatchet / let bygones by bygones:具有中国特色的 with Chinese characteristics | 捐弃前嫌 bury the hatchet / let bygones by bygones | 军令状 make a pledge

4. bury the hatchet / let bygones be bygones:具有中国特色的 with Chinese characteristics | 捐弃前嫌 bury the hatchet / let bygones be bygones | 军令状 make a pledge

捐弃前嫌 双语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 不论冲突纠纷多么严重,我一直记着捐弃前嫌,化解宿怨,见兔顾犬,亡羊补牢,为时都不算晚。
    No matter how difficult the conflict, crisis or situation, I always remember that it's never too late to clear up the past and begin resolution.

2. 问:我没有探测器,朋友们说,使用上述捐弃前嫌,积极在槎,如果漂白的就是假的,对不对?
    I did not Detector, friends say, use a clean slate in the above energetically Croucher, if bleaching is a fake, right?

3. 当我哥哥不肯借给钱我的时候,我十分愤慨;但是当他破了产而来求我找工作的时候,我决心捐弃前嫌了。
    I had been in a rage when my brother refused to lend me money, but when he went bankrupt and came to me for a job, I decided to let bygones be bygones.

4. 使…从地球上消失;彻底消除把以往过错一笔勾销;一消前愆;捐弃前嫌
    Wipe somebody/something off the face of the earth, wipe something off the map

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. 把以往过错一笔勾销;一消前愆;捐弃前嫌
    A slate is a list of candidates for an election, usually from the same party.

6. 乔治和他儿子间有捐弃前嫌的迹象。
    There are signs of rapprochement between George and his son.

7. 是我们捐弃前嫌的时候了。
    It is time to bury our past misunderstandings.

8. 你会体验捐弃前嫌的平和,以及让别人感到正确的喜悦。
    You'11 experience the peace of letting go, as well as the joy of letting others be right.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. 你会体验捐弃前嫌的平和,以及让别人感到正确的喜悦。
    You'll experience the peace of letting go, as well as the joy of letting others be right.

10. 就不要计较这一次,而捐弃前嫌吧!
    3 Just let this one slide again, and let bygones be bygones.

11. 他破产又离婚,昨天来找我求职时,我决定捐弃前嫌
      He went bankrupt and his wife divorced him. When he came t

12. 他们''。'不久'。''就捐弃前嫌而重归於好。

13. 一种新关系为你提供了捐弃前嫌的机会。
      A new relationship presents you with the opportunity to wipe the slate clean.

14. 好了,让我们捐弃前嫌,成为朋友。
      Let's bury the hatchet and be friends.

15. 捐弃前嫌

15. 与她在海外的受欢迎程度相媲美的是,她与巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)捐弃前嫌所展现的风度让她在国内备受赞赏。
      Her popularity abroad was matched by appreciation at home for the grace with which she buried the hatchet with Barack Obama.

16. 捐弃前嫌的翻译

16. 双方都愿意捐弃前嫌
      Both wanted to settle their scores.

17. 捐弃前嫌

17. 在危急关头,大家就能捐弃前嫌,同心协力。
      In a crisis, old prejudices fall away and everyone works together.

18. 两个孩子决定捐弃前嫌,重新做朋友。
      The two boys agreed to let bygone be bygone and make friend again.

19. 两个孩子决定捐弃前嫌,重新做朋友。
      And make friend again.

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