
换班是什么意思 换班在线翻译 换班什么意思 换班的意思 换班的翻译 换班的解释 换班的发音 换班的同义词 换班的反义词 换班的例句


换班 基本解释


换班[huàn bān]


词典change shifts换班;倒班。

词典relieve a person on duty换班。

词典changing of the guard换班。

换班 汉英大词典

换班[huàn bān]

(轮流替换) change shifts

(交接班) relieve a person on duty

{军} changing of the guard

换班 双语例句

1. 换班是什么意思

1. 关注夜班生产的领导能力,改善和平衡换班频率,以提高生产效率。
    Focusing on leadership of night shift operation by improving productivity and balance of operators shifting.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 这样就可以在换班之前把尸体的身份鉴别出来了
    We could lD this body before the end of the shift.

3. 今天,我换班而且要做个懒散的人,要做一种,土豆球。
    Because today I am going to change off and be a couch potatoe, a sort of, made potato croquets.

4. 非船员成员但船舶在港时从事修理、清理、装卸或类似工作或从事港口换班、保养、值班或看守任务的人员。
    K persons who are not members of the crew (whether working on or off articles) but are employed while the vessel is in port on repairing, cleaning, loading or unloading the vessel or similar work or on port relief, maintenance, watch or caretaking duties.

5. 非船员成员,但船舶在港时从事修理、清理、装卸或类似工作或从事港口换班、保养、值班或看守任务的人员。
    N persons who are not members of the crew (whether working on or off articles) but are employed while the vessel is in port on repairing, cleaning, loading or unloading the vessel or similar work or on port relief, maintenance, watch or caretaking duties.

6. 你不是来换班的吗?
    Aren't you supposed to be on your shift?

7. 平时,温莎古堡全部对外开放,每天上午10点举行御林军换班仪式。
    Normally, all of Windsor Castle to the outside world, held every day 10:00 reshuffle Guards ceremony.

8. 维奥莱特病了,塞丽斯蒂没法换班,因为她家里有很重要的事情,而我答应过孩子今年回家和他们一起过圣诞节。
    Look, Violet is sick and Celeste can't switch because she's got some big family thing and I promised my kids I'd be there for`em this year.

9. 我要你帮个忙,我可以和你换班吗?
    Can I change the shift with you?

10. 我们觉得可能是在换班的时候发生的,我知道这很难接受非常抱歉。
    We think it happened during the shift change. I know this is difficult to hear. I'm sorry.

11. 是敲钟人换班的时候了。
      It is time for the ringers to change off.

12. 我想 换班,现在这个班不适合我。
      I want to change a class. This one doesn`t fit me.

13. 没问题,你要是想星期三下午请假的话,我可以与你换班
      I'm happy to change shifts with you if you want Wednesday afternoon off.

14. 换班什么意思

14. 换班的警卫会在5分钟后来。
      And their replacements are going to be five minutes late.

15. 没有麻烦,如果你想星期五下午休息,我很高兴同你换班
      No sweat, I'm happy to change shifts with you if you want Friday afternoon off.

16. 工人上午7点,下午3点,晚上11点换班
      The stevedores change their shifts at 7 in the morning, 3 in the afternoon and 11 at night.

17. 换班是什么意思

17. 在每次换班前是否用AOI机器检验镀金板?
      Is golden boards used to check the AOI machine before the inspection of each shift?

18. 换班的翻译

18. 我可以和 Jason 换班吗?
      Can I swap my shift with Jason?

19. 两个月会给我换班从前线,使我熬过严酷的冬天。
      Two months would give me relief from the line and get me through the worst of the winter.

20. 数百年来,白金汉宫一直由皇家卫队护持,皇家卫队换班时间于每日早晨在栏杆后的宫前广场进行。
      The palace is guarded by centuries of the guards division. The guards are changed in the morning in the fore court behind the railings.

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