
斗室是什么意思 斗室在线翻译 斗室什么意思 斗室的意思 斗室的翻译 斗室的解释 斗室的发音 斗室的同义词 斗室的反义词 斗室的例句


斗室 基本解释

斗室[dǒu shì]

词典a little room斗室。

词典a small room斗室。

斗室 汉英大词典

斗室[dǒu shì]

[书] a little room; a small room

斗室 双语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 在天地之间活相同的时间,走的路却可能完全不同,有人走得很远,看见很多美妙的景象,有的人却只是幽囚于斗室,至死也不明白世界有多么辽远阔大。
    Lives of the same duration may take different roads. Some people go long distances, seeing much beautiful scenery, while some imprison themselves in a small room, not knowing the vastness of the world.

2. 我的房间很小,使我有困居斗室之感
    My room was so small that i felt fenced in.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 而是时常,当我孤栖于斗室
    But oft, in lonely rooms, and `mid the din

4. 早晨,狱卒又把他的饭送了来,他已经把前一天的都吃了。他吃了这些东西以后便焦急地想再听到那种声音,在他的斗室里转了又转,摇摇窗上的铁栅栏,活动一下他的四肢,使它们恢复那原有的能力,准备应付可能降临的事变。
    In the morning the jailer brought him fresh provisions--he had already devoured those of the previous day; he ate these listening anxiously for the sound, walking round and round his cell, shaking the iron bars of the loophole, restoring vigor and agility to his limbs by exercise, and so preparing himself for his future destiny.

5. 斗室的反义词

5. 有了这样一间斗室和一张床铺,我指望着这一晚能睡个好觉。
    With a cell to myself, and a bed, I was hoping for a sound night`s rest.

6. 461斯蒂芬向大家致意,然后垂头丧气地跟着那个新理过发、头梳得整整齐齐、爱说笑话的傻大个儿,从拱顶斗室走入没有思想的灿烂骄阳中去。
    Stephen, greeting, then all amort, followed a lubber jester, a wellkempt head, newbarbered, out of the vaulted cell into a shattering daylight of no thought.

7. 我俩默默地坐了会儿,这间简陋的斗室刹那间沉浸在家庭温馨之中。
    We sat silent for a while, and a homy feeling invaded my ugly little cubicle.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. 所以,大部分的时间里,我都独居在自己的斗室里,没有朋友,没有亲人。
    Therefore, most of the time, I was alone in his small, no friends, no relatives.

9. 斗室

9. 就是在那间斗室里,他们勤奋地工作着,憧憬着美好的未来。
    It was in that small room that they worked hard and looked forward to their bright future.

10. 他就出生在那间斗室里。
    It was in that small room that he was born.

11. danci.911cha.com

11. 就是在那间斗室里,他们勤奋地工作着,憧憬着美好的未来。
      It was in that small room that they worked diligently and dreamed of better days to come.

12. 就是在那间斗室里,他们勤奋地工作着,憧憬着美好的未来。
      It is in that small room, they are working diligently, long for bright future.

13. danci.911cha.com

13. 就是在那间斗室里,他们勤奋地工作者,憧憬着美好的未来。
      It was in the small room that they worked hard and dreamed of their beautiful days.

14. 他缩身离开墙,在他的斗室里踱来踱去,以便集中思想,然后又把耳朵贴到老地方去。
      He moved away, walked up and down his cell to collect his thoughts, and then went back and listened.

15. 她住在一间龌龊的斗室内,连做饭的地方都没有。
      She lives in a grotty little room with nowhere to cook.

16. 天花板高高的房间,小巧的楼厅,方丈的斗室,僻静的角落,这一切都使人联想到静谧的圣殿,遁世避俗的处所和舒适的享受。
      The high-ceilinged rooms, the little balconies, alcoves, nooks and angels all suggest sanctuary, escape, creature comfort.

17. 只有在这里,家的感觉,斗室内帷帘低垂的小天地的感觉,把外面的自然界那个紧张的大世界关在门外并且遗忘掉的感觉,才最为强烈、紧靠白色的窗帘,挂着一只鸟笼,映出一个清晰的剪影。
      But it was from one little window, with its blind drawn down, a mere blank transparency on the night, that the sense of home and the little curtained world within walls—the larger stressful world of outside Nature shut out and forgotten—most pulsated.

18. 公主拿起油灯回到自己那间斗室,脱下毛斗篷,洗净脸上和手脚上的烟黑,她的美貌立刻大放光彩。
      Taking off her fur cloak, she washed the soot from her hands and face so that her full beauty again came to light.

19. 这些个来自于保存的空想故事,人物都是你晓得得明白的:小鸡、狐狸、山公、乌龟、鸭子子、土豆、稻草人、斗室屋等等。
      These from the dream of survival story, character is you know clearly: chicken, fox, monkey, the tortoise, duck son, potatoes, scarecrow, small houses and so on.

20. 苏在楼下他那间光线黯淡的斗室里找到了嘴里酒气扑鼻的贝尔门。
      Sue found Behrman smelling strongly of juniper berries in his dimly lighted den below.

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