
末座是什么意思 末座在线翻译 末座什么意思 末座的意思 末座的翻译 末座的解释 末座的发音 末座的同义词 末座的反义词 末座的例句


末座 基本解释

末座[mò zuò]

词典the most inferior seat at table末座。

末座 汉英大词典

末座[mò zuò]

the most inferior seat at table

末座 网络解释

1. 末座什么意思

1. amvy:惟有amvn | 末座amvy | 未必amwj

末座 双语例句

1. 所有其他人才叨陪末座,而唯一的司机是爱。
    All other talents take a back seat and the only driver is love.

2. 王的表现是给这支高薪的敬陪美联东区末座的球队的一支振奋剂球队还得面对先发的不稳定和受伤问题两名洋基先发卡斯坦斯和休斯分别在上周受伤
    Wang`s showing was a tonic for a high-salaried team that started the day in last place in the American League East because of, among other things, injuries and inconsistent performances among the members of the starting rotation.

3. 高盛并不是第一家为了尽可能排名靠前而不惜在并购顾问行列中叨陪末座的公司,这一排名是各投资银行在争取客户时的有效宣传工具。
    Goldman is hardly the first firm to use even a small role in deals to maximum effect in league tables, which provide investment banks with an effective marketing tool when pitching to clients.

4. 贵州至今仍以其弱势地域形象而全国叨陪末座,究其根源,除经济的落后外,还在于没有形成鲜明的地域文化。
    Guizhou still loses with its up to now situation region image and countrywide be favored with accompanies end, investigate its germ, those who divide economy is backward outside, still depend on forming bright district culture.

5. (马太6:19-21)敦煌是上帝在陪末座你想寻找你自己的心!
    Matthew 6:19-21) The treasure of God is in the last place you would think to look – your own heart!

6. 近万象末座的风险笼罩在多源环境。
    Nearly everything takes a back seat to the risks enveloped in multi-sourced environments.

7. 穷亲戚们被安排在长餐桌的末座
    The poor relations were seated at the bottom of the long table.

8. 你几时被请,应去坐末座,等那请你的人走来对你说:朋友,请上坐吧!那时,在你同席的众人面前,你才有光彩。
    But when you are invited, go and sit in the lowest place, so that when your host comes he may say to you, `Friend, go up higher`; then you will be honored in the presence of all who sit at table with you.

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9. 他坐在餐桌的末座,船长尽主人之谊,友好地设宴招待时,他给他当助手。
    He sat at the bottom of the dinner-table, and assisted the captain in doing the honours of the friendly meal.

10. 他的因伤缺阵使球队损失惨重,该队的传球成绩在NFL敬陪末座
    The loss of Finneran hurt last season; the Falcons finished last in the NFL in passing.

11. 至於洛杉矶则敬陪末座
      Los Angeles, on the other hand, was at the bottom of the list.

12. 奥德利夫人按铃,漂亮的侍女应声而至,她穿着玫瑰红缎带的黑色绸袍,还有其他的装饰品,凡此都是在仆役也穿亚麻羊毛交织衣服的、美好的往日里,敬陪末座的寒士没有见识过的。
      The bell which Lady Audley rang was answered by the smart lady's-maid, who wore rose-coloured ribbons and black silk gowns, and other adornments which were unknown to the humble people who sat below the salt in the good old days when servants wore linsey-woolsey.

13. 也就是说,多年以来,在无数网站、应用和云计算纷纷闪亮登场,而硬件创新只能叨陪末座后,硬件创新又开始升温了。
      In other words, after years of taking a backseat to the splashy launches of countless websites, apps, and the cloud, innovation on the hardware side is ramping up again.

14. 女招待(在餐桌边)为这位客人安排座位。穷亲戚们被安排在长餐桌的末座
      The waitress set a place for the guest. The poor relations were seated at the bottom of the long table.

15. 多年实践表明,采用末座光辊压榨机,对提高压榨效能是显著的。
      For many years mill practice has shown that adoption of non-grooving roller in last rill can obviously increase the efficiency of milling.

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