
歇气是什么意思 歇气在线翻译 歇气什么意思 歇气的意思 歇气的翻译 歇气的解释 歇气的发音 歇气的同义词 歇气的反义词 歇气的例句


歇气 基本解释

歇气[xiē qì]

词典stop for a breather or a rest歇气。

歇气 汉英大词典

歇气[xiē qì]

stop for a breather or a rest

歇气 双语例句

1. 他不歇气地连续工作了四个小时。
    He worked on for four hours without a rest.

2. 歇气在线翻译

2. 不!我儿子死了,那还有时间歇气
    The time to take a breath expired when my son died.

3. 接下来的三个小时你不歇气地写着,只是偶尔拿起一支棒糖。
    For the next three hours you write constantly, not even pausing for breath, let alone pausing to pick up a polo.

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4. 他就这样发布命令,而我则不歇气地执行着,直到他突然喊道:好了,伙计,转舵向风
    So he issued his commands, which I breathlessly obeyed; till, all of a sudden, he cried, 'Now, my hearty, luff!

5. Parseltongue,蛇语,听起来像拉长了的不歇气的嘶嘶声。
    Parseltongue, the language of snakes, sounds like a drawn out hissing without taking a breath.

6. 能用英语不歇气,不重样地骂老板数个小时等等),我考虑了一下,让他算了一笔帐:一般受过高等教育的英美人要掌握一万五千左右的单词,既然您要达到最高境界,起码要掌握这么多吧。
    And he can call his boss names on and on in a flow of eloquence in different dirty words for a few hours. And so on. I thought about it for a while; then I showed him a math problem: the men who have received a high education and graduated from universities in America and England will have a good command of English words about 15, 000. At least you must have the amount of it since you wanted to reach the top of English.

7. 他们沿着墙壁笔直地往上爬,看上去小得好似天花板上的苍蝇。四名消防队员紧贴着墙,不歇气地一个窗台接着一个窗台向上爬。在这场争夺生命的竞赛中,他们愈爬愈近了,爬在最前面的消防队员离小孩只剩下一柞的距离了。
    Straight up the wall they crept, looking like human flies on the ceiling, and clinging as close, never resting, reaching one recess only to set out for the next; nearer and nearer in the race for life, until but a single span separated the foremost from the boy.

8. 他一连干了一天一夜没歇气
    He worked the whole day and night without a break.

9. 歇气

9. 她能够不歇气地游上四分钟。
    She can swim for four minutes without drawing breath.

10. 她像是从未想过要歇歇气似的。
    She never seemed to rest.

11. 在这里,我们又有一个这样的避处,把垃圾箱和凉亭的功能合二为一,本非意图一石二鸟,而是这个地方可以让肌体劳累的人休息和歇歇气
      Here we have, one more such shelter which even doubles up as a bin and as a shady, pun not intended, place where you could rest your tired limbs and take a breather.

12. 10分钟体操完毕,小白就轻飘飘的走进了家门,注意这个时候一定要使劲所有力气喊出我对她的思念,小白对我尤其偏爱,因为我可以享受到小白只为我准备的掺着包谷面的饼,这是一头猪所享受的最高待遇,小白会看着我不歇气的吃完所有的食物然后在走进堂屋里。
      The gymnastics of 10 minutes complete, the small white was very light to walk into the family, noticing to must put out strength all energies to shout this time I remember fondly to her, the small white is partial to to me particularly, because I can enjoy the small white to wear a round flat cake that the maize corn face for the 掺 that I prepare only, this is the tallest treatment that a head of pig enjoy, the small white will looking at I not the 歇 annoy of eat all foods through then in walk into a house.

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