
brushing是什么意思 brushing在线翻译 brushing什么意思 brushing的意思 brushing的翻译 brushing的解释 brushing的发音 brushing的同义词

brushing ['brʌʃɪŋ]  ['brʌʃɪŋ] 


brushing 基本解释



brushing 情景对话



A:I’m brushing up on (my skills/ that subject/ my Russian).

B:That’s nice.

Night class-(上夜课)

A:Where are you going?

B:It’s Tuesday today. I always go to my class on Tuesday night.

A:I didn’t know you were taking any kind of class. Tell me about it.


B:Well, I’m learning how to use math in the business environment.


A:What for?


B:The job market is so competitive nowadays. I want to develop some useful skills.

A:I really admire you for that. How is it going?


B:It’s going all right. I’m learning some things for the first time, but I’m also brushing up on some things that I already know.

brushing 网络解释

1. 刷涂:1、刷涂(Brushing)2、浸涂(Dipping)3、喷涂(Spraying)废旧橡胶的回收利用一直是材料研究领域中的一个重要研究课题,随着我国汽车工业的迅猛发展,汽车轮胎的回收利用不仅对环境保护做贡献,而且合理的再利用,节约了能耗资源,

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 刷:平行坐标对多维数据的表达是数据可视化的重要方法之一.它实现了多维数据在二维平面上的表示.利用平行坐标对数据进行分析处理的技术已经取得了很大的进展,如刷(Brushing)技术、交换坐标轴、抽象等.这些分析技术已经应用到数据挖掘的很多领域,

3. brushing的意思

3. 刷光:13 敏化 sensitization | 15 刷光 brushing | 16 乳化除油 emulsion degreasing

4. brushing的反义词

4. 刷净:brush holder 刷柄 | brushing 刷净 | btu 英热单位

brushing 单语例句

1. Teeth brushing should start as early as when the baby is six months old, when the teeth have just begun to grow.

2. Geely Automobile Chairman Li Shufu is not only brushing off the rising crude prices, he's banking on the hikes helping his company.

3. " Learning English is like brushing teeth, " Zhang told those attending the premiere.

4. The unidentified man pointed a knife at her face after brushing against her on a lonely road when the girl kicked him.

5. Brushing media aside in handling incidents of public interest was destined to fail as public faith and support would be lost.

6. While you cannot stop a healthy dog from shedding, you can reduce the amount of hair in your home by brushing your dog regularly.

7. Cleveland struggled mightily to provide residents with water for simple tasks like brushing teeth, but taps barely flowed.

8. Whether those financially successful people are really serious about brushing up their moral education is not the major issue here.

9. Other prevention methods include keeping healthy life habits, brushing teeth more often and going for dental checkups regularly.

10. Old Niu insists on brushing his teeth, washing his face and charging his mobile phone and shaver in the office.

brushing 英英释义


1. the act of brushing your hair

    e.g. he gave his hair a quick brush

    Synonym: brush

2. the act of brushing your teeth

    e.g. the dentist recommended two brushes a day

    Synonym: brush

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