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浑水摸鱼 基本解释

浑水摸鱼[hún shuǐ mō yú]

词典fish in troubled [muddied] waters

词典acquire profit in time of trouble浑水摸鱼。

词典grope for fish in turbid浑水摸鱼。

词典profit by disturbances浑水摸鱼。

浑水摸鱼 汉英大词典

浑水摸鱼[hún shuǐ mō yú]

fish in troubled [muddied] waters; acquire profit in time of trouble; grope for fish in turbid; profit by disturbances; profit in a confused environment; taking advantage of an accident to steal sth.

浑水摸鱼 网络解释

1. Fish in troubled waters:患难见真情A friend in need is a friend indeed. | 浑水摸鱼 fish in troubled waters | 火上加油 add fuel to the fire; pour oil on the flame

2. 浑水摸鱼是什么意思

2. Fish in troubles water:The first dish pleases all. 第一道菜,人人都爱吃. | Fish in troubles water. 浑水摸鱼. | Fish out of water 离了水的鱼

3. fish in troubled water:Do one thing under cover of another. 明修栈道,暗渡陈仓. | Fish in troubled water. 浑水摸鱼. | Good wine meeds the master. 酒香不怕巷子深.

4. to fish in the troubled water:晴天霹雳 like a bolt from the blue | 浑水摸鱼 to fish in the troubled water | 轻如鸿毛 as light as a feather

浑水摸鱼 双语例句

1. 浑水摸鱼

1. 虽然这些股票上涨了20%以上,很明显,资本利用的大好局面在其中浑水摸鱼,其后续走势将会是值得商榷的优势。
    Although these stocks are up 20% over, it is clear that capital is taking advantage of the excellent situation in which to fish in troubled waters, and its follow-up trend will be open to question.

2. 当心那些浑水摸鱼的人。
    Be aware of those who fish in troubled water.

3. 这里的研究生大多是浑水摸鱼的,只是不要被他们同化的好。
    Most of the postgraduates in this university are not aspirants, I was by no means assimilated by them.

4. 但也有一些不可否认缺乏资金,质量差的房地产企业在浑水摸鱼
    But there are some undeniable lack of funds, poor quality real estate enterprises in the fish in troubled waters.

5. 要提防那些浑水摸鱼的人。
    A:Be aware of those who fish in troubled waters.

6. 这个正解,有人在浑水摸鱼用机器翻译。。。bs 。。。。。。
    This solution, someone trying to profit from use of machine translation... bs......

7. 浑水摸鱼

7. 此外,在阿梅宣布不幸患癌后,近百名阿梅的忠实歌迷纷纷在网上留言为偶像加油打气,但记者更发现网上有人浑水摸鱼,公然兜售阿梅出道以来的一些电影海报、录影带、VCD及珍贵黑胶唱碟,自称手上有绝版电影及唱片,价钱由台币五百至六千元不等,该名相信是台湾网友,署名小靖的人更注明「这些收藏品是绝版的东西,要买要快,决不骗人!
    Also, after Ah Mui announced that she got cancer, there are more than 100 fans left messages on websites supporting their idol. But also someone tries to sell posters, video tapes, VCD and records of those early days of Ah Mui on the web, also publicized for limited edition of movies and CDs. Price ranged from TW$500 to $6000. This person, Siu Ching as she addressed herself, must be from Taiwan, she even added a footnote

8. 或许对于在困境中挣扎的首席执行官们来说,这是最最重要的经验:如果没能力做好事,那就做浑事,浑事做的越多,局面越混乱,能够浑水摸鱼继续尸位素餐的时间也就越长。
    Perhaps for the struggling executive, this is the single most important lesson: if you can't do anything right, do a lot.

9. 混乱就不会少了浑水摸鱼的小人,来造成黑暗的现实。
    And there won't be lack of flunky who fish in troubled water to lead to dark reality.

10. Scramble在这里比较难译,个人以为,这是一种在混乱当中比较狼狈,手脚并用地向上爬的动作,也有浑水摸鱼,不择手段的意思。
    to move or climb quickly but with difficulty, often using your hands to help you

11. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

11. 机会主义者,如高盛和刻耳柏洛斯资产管理公司,则总是在信贷繁荣崩塌后的废墟中浑水摸鱼,然后建立一个前所未有的新市场。
      And opportunists with names like Goldman Sachs and Cerberus are just the people to pick over the carcass of the credit boom and make a market where none exists today.

12. 浑水摸鱼

12. 不要浑水摸鱼
      Never fish in troubled waters.

13. 浑水摸鱼是什么意思

13. 对神鸟我们一生抬头仰视,而对鲢胡子,我们则低下头来,巴不得浑水摸鱼
      Superbird scs life on the rise, we look up, and beard of silver carp, we head to look forward to fish in troubled waters.

14. 由于农民知识水平有限和经营管理制度不健全,农村财务管理很混乱,也正因为如此才使得一些基层干部钻了空子,浑水摸鱼
      As the farmers limited knowledge and management systems, and rural financial management is very confusing, because of this that makes some grass-roots advantage of the loophole, fish in troubled waters.

15. 被王公们剥夺了太多权利的骑士和小贵族们也期待着一场争斗,以便浑水摸鱼
      The knights or lower nobles, too, who had been deprived of many of their privileges by the princes, were ready for any scheme of violence in the hope that it might conduce to their advantage;

16. 浑水摸鱼的反义词

16. 要留心那些浑水摸鱼的人。
      Be aware of those who fish in trouble waters.

17. 911查询·英语单词

17. 第二个信息是,如果你想在自然资源领域发现价值,就必须愿意浑水摸鱼
      The next message is that if you want to find value in natural resources you have to be willing to fish in murky waters.

18. 浑水摸鱼的近义词

18. 企业应该制定非常明确的费用政策,这样弄虚作假的人就无法浑水摸鱼逍遥法外。
      You should have very clear expense policies, so fiddlers are not able to use confusion to get away with cheating.

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