
混淆是非是什么意思 混淆是非在线翻译 混淆是非什么意思 混淆是非的意思 混淆是非的翻译 混淆是非的解释 混淆是非的发音


混淆是非 基本解释

混淆是非[hùn xiáo shì fēi; hǔn xiáo shì fēi]

词典confuse right and wrong混淆是非;是非不分;以白为黑;黑白颠倒。

词典confound [cofuse] the right with the wrong

词典confound right and wrong混淆是非;颠倒是非;不分青红皂白;是非颠倒。

混淆是非 汉英大词典

混淆是非[hùn xiáo shì fēi; hǔn xiáo shì fēi]

confuse right and wrong; confound [cofuse] the right with the wrong

混淆是非 双语例句

1. 这个系统的设计思想逻辑混乱、巧立名目、混淆是非,让百姓为他们每一个小小失误就可能付出巨大的信用代价,同时却让违法犯罪的官员仍然可以活得有滋有味。
    The thought and logic behind this system is chaotic, selfishly inventive, and a blurring of right and wrong.

2. 我希望流言不要无中生有,不要混淆是非,俱乐部、主教练和队友都没有问题,也从来没有过。
    I ask that rumours don't go around that don't exist, not to twist the facts, there are no problems with the club, the coach and team-mates, there never has been.

3. 我们是为了少一些张冠李戴,少一些移花接木,少一些混淆是非
    The answer is, we want to see less distortion, fabrication and defamation in the reports.

4. 你不要相信他的话,他为了达到目的,常常颠倒黑白。
    Call white black /call black white:混淆是非 You can never believe what he says; he will call black white if it suits his purpose.

5. 混淆是非的反义词

5. 可她厚颜无耻地颠倒黑白、混淆是非却超出了我们的想象。
    Her brazenness of confusing right and wrong, and black and white goes beyond our imagination.

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6. 后来人们根据这个时间引申出“指鹿为马”这句成语。比喻怀着恶意,有意颠倒黑白,混淆是非
    The idiom " Call a stag a horse " means, with malicious purpose, to intentionally invert black and white and mix truth and fiction.

7. 跟贴者说中国人发明了他们自己的语言,楼主在这堶J言乱语,混淆是非
    Posting by peter is totally crap And ridiculous, the person trying to make a confusion here actually.+~

8. 外向型易混淆词辨析词典的编纂原则与体例设想他们企图混淆是非
    Compiling Principles and Style Designing of Export-oriented Dictionaries of Confusable Words; They tried to blur out distinctions between right and wrong.

9. 就其以英美在远东的利益为价值取向,不惜混淆是非,为日本侵略张目而言,它是应当受到谴责的;
    On one hand, grounding its values in American and British interests in the Far East, it did not hesitate to confuse right and wrong, and argued in favor of Japan's invasion.

10. 给Autonomy首席执行官麦克•林奇的一些建议:你尽可以在私人谈话中混淆是非
    Some advice for autonomy CEO Mike Lynch: you can obfuscate about what is said in a private conversation.

11. “指鹿为马”用来比喻故意颠倒黑白,混淆是非
      This metaphor describes distorting facts by calling white black.

12. 混淆是非的解释

12. 这则成语意思是指:故意混淆是非
      This idiom means: to distort facts deliberately.

13. 多种语言的混合或混淆他们企图混淆是非
      A mixture or confusion of languages. They tried to blur out distinctions between right and wrong.

14. 记忆错误,错构症把想象和客观事实相混淆的记忆的歪曲或窜改他们企图混淆是非
      A distortion of memory in which fantasy and objective experience are confused. They tried to blur out distinctions between right and wrong.

15. 坦率地说,这些实体的毁灭足以警醒每一位理智的投资者即刻下决心赎回他们的共同基金,关掉混淆是非的财经新闻,解雇他们的证券经纪人。
      Frankly, the demise of these entities should cause every investor to immediately dump their mutual funds, turn off the financial news and fire their brokers.

16. 后来人们根据这个时间引申出“指鹿为马”这句成语。比喻怀着恶意,有意颠倒黑白,混淆是非
      The idiom " Call a stag a horse " means, with malicious purpose, to intentionally invert black and white and mix truth and fiction.

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