
run out是什么意思 run out在线翻译 run out什么意思 run out的意思 run out的翻译 run out的解释 run out的发音 run out的同义词 run out的反义词

run out [rʌn aut]  [rʌn aʊt] 

run out 基本解释

用完; 跑出去; 耗尽; 到期

run out 相关例句


1. run out的解释

1. Our food soon ran out.

run out 网络解释

1. 结束;变得缺乏:run out of 用完,耗尽 | run out 结束;变得缺乏 | run over with 充满;洋溢着

2. 用光;失效;到期:run into 遭遇;碰巧;撞见; 达到;撞车 | run out 用光;失效;到期 | run over 碰倒;撞倒;(车)压死;溢出;排练;查阅

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 耗尽;用光:refer to 提到;查询 | run out 耗尽;用光 | technological adj.技术的

run out 词典解释

1. 用完;耗尽
    If you run out of something, you have no more of it left.

    e.g. They have run out of ideas...
    e.g. We're running out of time...

2. 被用完;耗尽
    If something runs out, it becomes used up so that there is no more left.


    e.g. Conditions are getting worse and supplies are running out...
    e.g. Time is running out.

3. (法律文件)到期,失效
    When a legal document runs out, it stops being valid.

run out的意思

    e.g. When the lease ran out the family moved to Campigny.
    e.g. ...the day my visa ran out.

run out 单语例句


1. In the long run, the economic effects of an end to China's dollar buying would even out.

2. Saying that you missed the call because your mobile has run out of power.

3. Seeing several students falling to the school canteen's floor and convulsing, the girl tried to run out of the canteen but soon began to vomit.

4. It will also carry out a test run without passengers in May.

5. Family members said they have run out of money for the boy's treatment and they want cash from the training center for further treatment.

6. " We've run out of grants for mainland authors this year, " she says cheerfully.

7. China Blue Chemical saw its joint venture methanol plant in Hainan carry out a successful trial run this month.

8. Campus officials said they won't try to yank protesters out of the trees, but made it clear they've run out of patience.

9. The star is expected to close out his run on The Twilight Saga with the upcoming Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.

10. The latter has largely run out of suitable, yet to be gentrified neighborhoods for artists to colonize.

run out 英英释义


1. use up all one's strength and energy and stop working

    e.g. At the end of the march, I pooped out

    Synonym: poop outpeter outrun downconk out

2. prove insufficient

    e.g. The water supply for the town failed after a long drought

    Synonym: failgive out

3. become used up
    be exhausted

    e.g. Our supplies finally ran out

4. exhaust the supply of

    e.g. We ran out of time just as the discussion was getting interesting

5. leave suddenly and as if in a hurry

    e.g. The listeners bolted when he discussed his strange ideas
           When she started to tell silly stories, I ran out

    Synonym: run offboltbolt outbeetle off

6. flow, run or fall out and become lost

    e.g. The milk spilled across the floor
           The wine spilled onto the table

    Synonym: spill

7. flow off gradually

    e.g. The rain water drains into this big vat

    Synonym: drain

8. lose validity

    e.g. My passports expired last month

    Synonym: expire

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