
fail是什么意思 fail在线翻译 fail什么意思 fail的意思 fail的翻译 fail的解释 fail的发音 fail的同义词 fail的反义词 fail的例句 fail的相关词组

fail [feɪl]  [fel] 


fail 基本解释

及物/不及物动词失败,不及格; 倒闭,破产; 缺乏; 衰退

不及物动词破产; 衰退; 失败,不及格; 不足

及物动词不及格; 使失望; 忘记; 舍弃

名词失败,失误; 不及格; 不及格者; [商]期货交割失期

fail 同义词

fail 反义词


fail 相关词组

1. without fail : 务必, 必定;


fail 相关例句


1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. When I wanted his help he failed me.

2. His courage failed him.


1. Our plan has failed.

2. He never fails to write to his mother every week.

3. Last year the crops failed.

fail 网络解释

1. fail

1. 不及格:2005年7月,教师职业协会针对一个议题展开讨论--"不及格"(fail)是否应该从教育字汇中删除,并用"成就延期"(deferred success)来替代?之所以会有这个议题,是因为有些人认为学生们会因为考试屡次不及格而降低学习兴趣.

2. 错误:Fluke4000测试自动与标准进行比较,并且显示通过(Pass)或错误(Fail)信息,同时有声音提示,用RS-232打印出报告. (15) 简易综合布线测量仪,用于测量UTP双绞线. 系统测试在测试小组开展,在测试环境中实施,由测试经理统一负责.

3. 故障:成本差异:CMOS应用半导体工业常用的MOS制程,可以一次整合全部周边设施于单晶片中,节省加工晶片所需负担的成本和良率的损失;相对地CCD采用电荷传递的方式输出资讯,必须另辟传输通道,如果通道中有一个像素故障(Fail),就会导致一整排的讯号壅塞,

fail 词典解释

1. 失败;未能够;未做成
    If you fail to do something that you were trying to do, you are unable to do it or do not succeed in doing it.

    e.g. The Workers' Party failed to win a single governorship...
    e.g. He failed in his attempt to take control of the company...

2. (活动、尝试、计划等)失败,不成功
    If an activity, attempt, or plan fails, it is not successful.

    e.g. We tried to develop plans for them to get along, which all failed miserably...
    e.g. He was afraid the revolution they had started would fail...

3. 没有做,未做(应做的事)
    If someone or something fails to do a particular thing that they should have done, they do not do it.

    e.g. Some schools fail to set any homework...
    e.g. He failed to file tax returns for 1982...
           他没有呈报 1982 年的纳税申报单。

4. 出故障;失灵
    If something fails, it stops working properly, or does not do what it is supposed to do.


    e.g. The lights mysteriously failed, and we stumbled around in complete darkness...
    e.g. In fact many food crops failed because of the drought.

5. (企业)倒闭,破产;(机构)解体;(体系)崩溃
    If a business, organization, or system fails, it becomes unable to continue in operation or in existence.

    e.g. So far this year, 104 banks have failed.
           今年到目前为止,已有 104 家银行倒闭。
    e.g. ...a failed hotel business...

6. (健康状况、体质等)衰弱,虚弱,衰退
    If something such as your health or a physical quality is failing, it is becoming gradually weaker or less effective.


    e.g. He was 58, and his health was failing rapidly...
           他 58 岁,身体正在迅速衰老。
    e.g. Here in the hills, the light failed more quickly...

7. 辜负;使失望
    If someone fails you, they do not do what you had expected or trusted them to do.


    e.g. We waited twenty-one years, don't fail us now.
           我们等了 21 年了,如今不要让我们失望。
    e.g. ...communities who feel that the political system has failed them.

8. 不履行,未尽(职责)
    If someone fails in their duty or fails in their responsibilities, they do not do everything that they have a duty or a responsibility to do.


    e.g. Lawyers are accused of failing in their duties to advise clients of their rights...
    e.g. If we did not report what was happening in the country, we would be failing in our duty.

9. (品质或能力)有负于;(使)不如愿;不够
    If a quality or ability that you have fails you, or if it fails, it is not good enough in a particular situation to enable you to do what you want to do.

    e.g. For once, the artist's fertile imagination failed him...
    e.g. Their courage failed a few steps short and they came running back.

10. 不及格
    If someone fails a test, examination, or course, they perform badly in it and do not reach the standard that is required.

    e.g. I lived in fear of failing my end-of-term exams.

11. 评定…不及格;使不及格
      If someone fails you in a test, examination, or course, they judge that you have not reached a high enough standard in it.

      e.g. ...the two men who had failed him during his first year of law school.

12. 如果其他一切都不奏效的话;假如其他都行不通
      You say if all else fails to suggest what could be done in a certain situation if all the other things you have tried are unsuccessful.

      e.g. If all else fails, I could always drive a truck.

13. (用以表示不赞成)不明白,看不出
      You can use I fail to see or I fail to understand in order to introduce a statement which indicates that you do not agree with what someone has said or done.

      e.g. That's how it was in my day and I fail to see why it should be different now.

14. 总是;一直
      You use without fail to emphasize that something always happens.


      e.g. He attended every meeting without fail.

15. (用以强调命令或承诺)一定,必须
      You use without fail to emphasize an order or a promise.

      e.g. On the 30th you must without fail hand in some money for Alex...
             30 日那天你必须替亚历克斯交一些钱。
      e.g. Tomorrow without fail he would be at the old riverside warehouse.

fail 单语例句

1. Due to the language barriers and ignorance of Russian customs, most Chinese business people in Russia fail to enter the upper echelons of Russian society.

2. If they fail to act on the plan, the money could be released as soon as specific projects get the OK.

3. That's why any act aimed at sabotaging the country's unity and development is doomed to fail.

4. Many online retailers fail to make a profit despite the high transaction volume, as escalating price wars caused by similar business models cut into profit margins.

5. But that sentence will be doubled if his Quranic recitation classes fail to make him a hafez someone who knows the Quran by heart.

6. Exemptions gained previously for developers from calculating the gross floor area will also expire if the building works fail to commence within two years.

7. The bureau warmed that if publishers fail to comply, it will call in tenders " to introduce more competition into the monopolized textbook market ".

8. Each staff member has one yuan pinned on their chest, and if they fail to provide satisfactory service customers can take it away.

9. But some studies have shown that residual stem cells that fail to differentiate can turn cancerous later on.

10. The statement said the defective transfer case may result in oil leaks that cause the car's brakes to fail.

fail 英英释义


1. get worse

    e.g. Her health is declining

2. stop operating or functioning

    e.g. The engine finally went
           The car died on the road
           The bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town
           The coffee maker broke
           The engine failed on the way to town
           her eyesight went after the accident

    Synonym: go badgive waydiegive outconk outgobreakbreak down

3. prove insufficient

    e.g. The water supply for the town failed after a long drought

    Synonym: run outgive out

4. disappoint, prove undependable to
    abandon, forsake

    e.g. His sense of smell failed him this time
           His strength finally failed him
           His children failed him in the crisis

    Synonym: betray

5. become bankrupt or insolvent
    fail financially and close

    e.g. The toy company went bankrupt after the competition hired cheap Mexican labor
           A number of banks failed that year

6. fall short in what is expected

    e.g. She failed in her obligations as a good daughter-in-law
           We must not fail his obligation to the victims of the Holocaust

7. fail to get a passing grade

    e.g. She studied hard but failed nevertheless
           Did I fail the test?

    Synonym: flunkbombflush it

8. judge unacceptable

    e.g. The teacher failed six students

9. be unsuccessful

    e.g. Where do today's public schools fail?
           The attempt to rescue the hostages failed miserably

    Synonym: go wrongmiscarry

10. fail to do something
    leave something undone

    e.g. She failed to notice that her child was no longer in his crib
           The secretary failed to call the customer and the company lost the account

    Synonym: neglect

11. be unable

      e.g. I fail to understand your motives

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