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灯彩 基本解释

灯彩[dēng cǎi ]


词典coloured-lantern making灯彩。

词典coloured lanterns

词典festoon lighting灯彩。

灯彩 汉英大词典

灯彩[dēng cǎi]

(做彩灯的工艺) coloured-lantern making

灯彩 网络解释

1. lantern:为弘扬中华民族工艺美术传统文化,保留民间手工艺的海派(Shanghai Style)艺术和制作风格,上海工艺美术职业学院与上海工艺美术行业协会合作,以联洋社区作为现代生活艺术融合社区文化建设的载体,在联洋百乐集生活沙龙开办棒针(Knit )、灯彩(Lantern)、中国结(Chin

2. 灯彩的解释

2. illumination:illumination meter 照度计 | illumination 照明;照度;光亮;灯彩;电光饰;阐明;启发 | illuminator 发光器

灯彩 双语例句

1. 可是,爸爸,你知道吗?就在你新喜之夜和妈妈合吃了闹房人吊的一颗枣儿,就在你蜜月的第一个黎明,窗台上的长明烛结了灯彩儿,那枣肉里的核儿,就是我,那光焰中的芯儿,就是我。--你从此就有了抗争的对头了!
    But, Dad, you might have not known, when you shared with mom at the wedding night the date hung by those celebrators, and when the candle light made knots in the first Honey moon morning, in the core of the date and in the knots of the candle, there came me, the Rival in your life from then on.

2. 中国的灯彩是用竹、木或金属做框架,再裱糊上纸或绫绢做成。
    Chinese lantern always consist of a frame made of metal wire or bamboo strips covered with paper or thin gauze and then painted over to be attractive.

3. 在中国古代制作的灯彩中,以宫灯和纱灯最为著名。
    Illumination produced in ancient China in order to lanterns, and the most famous Sha Deng.

4. 在中国古代制作的灯彩中,以宫灯和纱灯最为著名。
    In ancient China the production of Deng Cai, a palace lantern and Shadeng most famous.

5. 灯彩

5. 在中国古代制作的灯彩中,以宫灯和纱灯最为著名。
    Produced in ancient China Charming Chinese Lanterns, with lanterns andthe most famous.

6. 中国古代制作的灯彩中,以宫灯和纱灯最为著名。
    Apart from these, it has the lanterns with revolving figures.

7. 中国的灯彩综合了绘画艺术、剪纸、纸扎、刺缝等工艺,利用各个地区出产的竹、木、藤、麦秆、兽角、金属、绫绢等材料制作而成。
    China's Deng Cai integrated the arts of painting, paper cutting, Zhizha, gill slit, such as technology, produced by the various regions of the bamboo, wood, rattan, straw, animal angle, metal, Aya, and other materials produced by silk.

8. 中国的灯彩综合了绘画艺术、剪纸、纸扎、刺缝等工艺,利用各个地区出产的竹、木、藤、麦秆、兽角、金属、绫绢等材料制作而成。
    China's Deng Cai combines the art of painting, paper cutting, paper models, such as barbed suture techniques, the use of the various regions produced bamboo, wood, rattan, straw, horn, metal, made of damask silk and other materials.

9. 经过历代灯彩艺人的继承和发展,形成了丰富多彩的品种和高超的工艺水平。
    After successive Dengcai the inheritance and development of artists, formed a colorful variety and superb level of technology.

10. 经过历代灯彩艺人的继承和发展,形成了丰富多彩的品种和高超的工艺水平。
    With its development, the lantern has formed abundant varieties and super craftwork level.

11. 灯彩

11. 中国的灯笼又统称为灯彩
      Chinese lanterns also referred to as Deng Cai.

12. danci.911cha.com

12. 传统上装饰美观的灯彩是木制,竹制,覆盖以纸或其他材料。
      Traditionally the gaily decorated lanterns are made of wood, bamboo, paper and other materials.

13. 灯彩装饰着庙宇。
      The temples are festooned with lights.

14. 灯彩的近义词

14. 本文从民俗文化和艺术美的角度,对元宵灯彩艺术表现形式、潜在价值及其发展取向进行初步探析。
      Based on the perspective of folk culture and artistic beauty, analysis on artistic expression of Lantern Festival illuminations, the potential value of its development orientation preliminary Exploration.

15. 灯彩

15. 如南通独创的彩锦绣、丝绸剪贴、木版画、灯彩等等。
      Nantong original color, such as beautiful, silk cut and paste, wood engravings, Deng Cai and so on.

16. 灯彩是一项多种材料、多种工艺、多种装饰技艺的综合艺术。
      As a decorative art and craft, lantern-making employs a huge variety of material and requires versatile crafting skills.

17. 中国灯彩传统历史绵远流长,历代技师不断增添新品,创造新风格,无论在种类、功能、造型等各方面都不断改良。
      The traditional lanterns in China have continued to evolve down the ages, and artisans of different generations have been adding new designs and functions to the folk art.

18. 灯彩

18. 天色渐渐地发白,到了敬神的时候,觉慧便撇下剑云到堂屋里去了。堂屋里挂了灯彩,两边木板壁上也挂了红缎子绣花屏。
      At the hour for prayers to the gods, Chueh-hui went to the family hall. Large red lanterns were hung in the main hall; on each of the side walls were placed panels of embroidered red silk.

19. 灯彩

19. 在加州的海蓝,人们被泥流和水从家中赶出来,只剩下装饰了灯彩的空房。
      In Highland, California, people were chased from their homes by tides of mud and water, leaving behind homes strung with holiday lights.

20. 堂屋里挂了灯彩,两边木板壁上也挂了红缎子绣花屏。
      Large red lanterns were hung in the main hall; on each of the side walls were placed panels of embroidered red silk.

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