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牛郎织女 基本解释

牛郎织女[niú láng zhī nǚ]

词典the Cowherd and the Weaving Maid [Girl Weaver]

词典a metaphor for a couple living separately牛郎织女。

词典in different places牛郎织女。

词典the Herd-boy and the Spinning Maid (mythical) lovers separated by the Milky Way -- husband and wife living apart

牛郎织女 汉英大词典

牛郎织女[niú láng zhī nǚ]

the Cowherd and the Weaving Maid [Girl Weaver] (In a Chinese legend who, once a happy couple, become stars separated by the Milky Way. They can meet only once in a year when magpies fly together to form a bridge over the Milky Way.); a metaphor for a coupl


    We couples who have been separated hate the ruthless "The Milky Way".

牛郎织女 双语例句

1. 牛郎织女的反义词

1. 古时候,每逢七夕,年轻女子都会身着盛装,望月认针乞巧,以纪念牛郎织女一年一次的鹊桥之会。如今,七夕佳节不再盛行认针乞巧等传统习俗,但是作为中国情人节,相恋的人们仍会在这个特殊的时刻互诉情意,共同祈祷真爱地久天长!
    In ancient times, young women performed certain activities on this special festival, such as threading a needle with their holiday best while facing the moon to pray for various kinds of ingenuity and celebrate the annual meeting of the cowherd and the Girl Weaver.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 牛郎织女伊二个,每年有相会,怎样你那一去全然无批,放舍阮孤单一个。
    Thinking of you every day, wishing to seeing you again. So inseparable were we, why did we part?

3. 常见的传统剧目有白蛇传、西厢记、牛郎织女、杨家将、水浒传、三国演义、西游记等等。
    Traditional repertoire includes White Snake, West Wing-Room Story, Niulang and Zhinv, Generals of Yang Family, Stories on the River Bank, Stories of the Three Kingdoms, and the Western Trip Stories.

4. 如今,七夕乞巧的风俗似乎正在淡化,不过牛郎织女的传统却依旧在人们的口耳间广为流传。
    Till now, the begging mores on the Double-Seventh Festival seem to fade out, but the legend of Niu Lang and Zhi Nu is still on the lips of people.

5. 牛郎织女

5. 就是在七月初七的晚上,妇女用彩色丝线在月下穿七个针孔,并在庭院中摆上瓜果,希望牛郎织女相会高兴之时,赐给女子巧手。
    What calls Is in July seventh day evening, the woman puts on seven pinholes with the colored silk thread under the month, and displays the fruits and melons in the garden, hoped meets happily time, bestows for the female the clever artisan.

6. 牛郎织女的反义词

6. 她在桥栏杆上刻了牛郎织女、丹凤朝阳等图案,刻完后又回到城南看哥哥的进展。
    She carved on the bridge rails the designs of the Cowherd and the Girl Weaver and of the red phoenix illuminated by the sun. Finishing this, she returned.

7. 牛郎织女

7. 他们的忠贞爱情感动了天上的喜鹊,每年的七月七日,数以千计的喜鹊架成了一座鹊桥让牛郎织女相见。
    Their loyalty to love touched magpies, so every year thousands of magpies built a bridge for them to meet.

8. 到了七夕那天晚上,父亲总要给我讲述牛郎织女鹊桥相会的故事。
    Tanabata night to his father to give me about overall Cowboy Weaver meet Bridge story.

9. 然而,它仍是牛郎织女一年一度的鹊桥相会日。
    However, it is still a day to celebrate the annual meeting of the loving couple, the Cowherd and the Girl Weaver.

10. 白蛇许仙的故事,和五月初五有干过,牛郎织女的故事和七月初七有干过,都是咱中国最有名的神话故事之一。
    X stories, and may have done, the fifth cowherd story and seventh day is done, is China's most famous za one myth.

11. 牛郎织女的遭遇,不但凤凰客鸟同情,也博得历代文人墨客的同情,写了很多优美的诗章。
      The gigolo knit, not only the phoenix bird sympathy, also won customer scholars of sympathy, wrote many beautiful psalms.

12. 你是我的太阳,你是我的月亮,就好像天上的牛郎织女
      You is my sun and my moon, just like the ox man and the colth woman.

13. 中国民俗学会副理事长兼秘书长、博士生导师叶涛教授的研究方向为民俗学民间文学基础理论、中国民间信仰和区域民俗,主要著作有《民俗学导论》、《中国民俗》、《泰山石敢当》、《中国牛郎织女传说》等。
      Professor Zhang Shishan'research directions are the basic folklore theories and artistic folklore. Besides, there are several part-time researchers, such as Prof.

14. 天河太宽,河水湍急,牛郎飞不过去,只能看着织女飞走,父子三人哭得揪心裂胆,天帝见此情景,大为感动,遂允许牛郎织女每年农历七月初七在天河上鹊桥相会。
      The Cowherd and his children could not get past this wide and swollen river. Heartbroken, he and his children could only look and weep bitterly. Moved by their mournful crying, the King of Heaven decided to allow the separated couple to meet on a bridge of magpies on the seventh night of the seventh Lunar month each year.

15. 一直到南朝粱任昉的《述异记》,我们终于读到作者记下来的牛郎织女传说的完整情节。
      And eventually we may get the whole tale of Niu Lang and Zhi Nu in Shuyi Ji by Liang Renfang of the South Dynasty(420AD-589AD).

16. 因为遗憾,才有牛郎织女鹊桥仙的动人传说
      Since regret that only Cowboy Weaver鹊桥仙moving legend

17. 牛郎织女

17. 农历七月初七,是中国民间传说中“牛郎织女”相会银河的日子。
      The seventh month of the lunar calendar month, is China's folk tales of " the gigolo knit " meet the day of the Milky Way.

18. 我们这些牛郎织女都恨透了那条无情的“天河”。
      We couples who have been separated hate the ruthless “ The Milky Way ”.

19. 这是人们庆祝牛郎织女的浪漫传说的日子。
      This is the day when people celebrate the romantic legend of the cowherd and the weaver girl.

20. 牛郎织女是什么意思

20. 他们是牛郎织女,织女,以及关于它们有一个美丽的爱情故事流传了一代又一代。一代。
      They are the Cowherd and Weaver Maid, and about them there is a beautiful love story passed down from generation to generation.

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