
畜圈是什么意思 畜圈在线翻译 畜圈什么意思 畜圈的意思 畜圈的翻译 畜圈的解释 畜圈的发音 畜圈的同义词 畜圈的反义词 畜圈的例句


畜圈 基本解释




畜圈 网络解释

1. 畜圈

1. corral:corona 反应边 | corral 畜圈 | corrasion 刻蚀

2. pen:pelotherapy 泥疗法 | pen 畜圈 | pendular water 触点水

畜圈 双语例句

1. 所有的牲口已提前转移到畜圈里,没有造成什么损失。
    All the cattle had been moved into stalls and we stood to lose little.

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2. 一头牛和一头驴子竟在畜圈里做起礼拜来,这是意想不到的。
    It's not to be expected that an ox and an ass should worship at the crib.

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3. 所有的牲口已提前转移到畜圈里,没有造成什么损失。
    Cattle had been moved into stalls and we stood to lose little.

4. 在谷仓,畜圈,鸡笼里设定和监测水线,空气流通,温度。
    Set and monitor water lines, air flow and temperature in barns, pens and chicken coops.

5. 有人想捉弄他,把一头驴弄进宫中,还在驴头上挂了个纸条,上书:诸葛瑾。一头牛和一头驴子竟在畜圈里做起礼拜来,这是意想不到的。
    To play joke on him, someone led a donkey into the Palace, what's more, on whose head hanged a note, it read: Zhuge-jin. It's not to be expected that an ox and an ass should worship at the crib.

6. 夜间在农村畜圈及其周围采获蚊虫19种,优势蚊种为棕头库蚊、三带喙库蚊、迷走按蚊。
    During the night the 19 species mosquitoes were collected in the animal house of village and nearby regions and the preponderance mosquito species were Culex fuscocephalus, Culex tritaeniorhynchus and Anopheles vagus.

7. 畜圈和户内成蚊总密度均低于2003年和蓄水前5年的平均值。
    The adult mosquito density in livestock stalls was lower in 2004 than in 2003 and than the average level of the 5 years before water storage.

8. 畜圈是什么意思

8. 定居放牧是指牧人定居并建有畜圈,草场按季节轮牧。
    Settled grazing means livestock herders to settle in and built ring, rotating grazing pastures on a seasonal basis.

9. 方法:在农村畜圈和人房捕蚊,用C6/36细胞和小白鼠法分离病毒。
    Methods: Collecting mosquitoes from the indoor and the stables of livestocks in villages. Using C6/36 cells and mice to isolate viruses.

10. 栖息地调查发现畜圈内墙壁缝隙等处是白蛉的栖息地。
    Resting places included the aperture on the wall of livestock sheds and in the caves.

11. 畜圈

11. 三带喙库蚊是农村畜圈的优势蚊种。
      Aedes pseudalbopictus was the main species of mosquitoes.

12. 方法:在农村畜圈和人房捕蚊,用C6/36细胞和小白鼠法分离病毒。
      Methods: Collecting mosquitoes from the indoor and the stables of livestocks in villages. Using C6 / 36 cells and mice to isolate viruses.

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