
皎洁是什么意思 皎洁在线翻译 皎洁什么意思 皎洁的意思 皎洁的翻译 皎洁的解释 皎洁的发音 皎洁的同义词 皎洁的反义词 皎洁的例句


皎洁 基本解释

皎洁[jiǎo jié]

词典bright and clear [pure]

皎洁 汉英大词典

皎洁[jiǎo jié]

(of moonlight) bright and clear [pure]

皎洁 双语例句

1. 后羿既惊又怒,抽剑去杀恶徒,蓬蒙早逃走了,后羿气得捶胸顿足,悲痛欲绝,仰望着夜空呼唤爱妻的名字,这时他惊奇地发现,今天的月亮格外皎洁明亮,而且有个晃动的身影酷似嫦娥。
    Hou Yi both frightened Younu, Choujianqusha Etu, Peng Meng escaped early, Houyi Qidechuixiong led stomp, Beitongyujue, look up the night sky calls for wife's name, then he surprised to find that today's moon, particularly Jiaojie bright, but there is a shaking of the shadow like Chang.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 在皎洁的月光下,大地似乎又被蒙上了一层神秘的面纱……也许是月明星稀的道理,今天的星星并不多,一颗较为明亮,另一颗则暗淡无光,显得格外不起眼。
    In the moonlight, the earth seems to be covered with a layer of the veil of mystery may be Yuemingxingxi...... the truth, not many of today's stars, a relatively bright, while the other one luster, is extraordinarily humble.

3. 皎洁什么意思

3. 在一个月光皎洁的仲夏之夜,父亲带着我与几位邻居在院坝里乘凉聊天,家短里长中邻居们都流露出了对我们小小年纪便失去毌爱的由衷地关心和体恤。
    My father was a capable and careful man.

4. 皎洁的意思

4. 如墨幽蓝之中,一轮皎洁的明月,静静的,静静的散着柔和又略带冷漠的微光,清冷而孤单。
    If ink Youlan among the one bringing a moon, quietly, and quietly and sweetly soft Sanzhao twilight cold, chilly and lonely.

5. 还有春风还有细雨,还有皎洁的月华,还有灿烂的星辉······世间多少滋润心灵的美好事物,都是免费的啊
    All of these are for free which you can get if you want, How many nice things are there prepared for us, spring breeze, mizzle, clear and bright moonlight, and gorgeous star blaze etc, The most important is that all is for free.

6. 皎洁

6. 水依旧澄碧,水中那枚硕大的月亮依旧皎洁,你的诗歌依旧在我们的新时代燃烧。
    Still clear blue water, huge water egg which the moon still bright and clear, your poetry is still burning in our new era.

7. 皎洁的意思

7. 在皎洁的月光下散步是件很适意的事情。
    It is a great pleasure to walk in the clear and bright moonlight.

8. 皎洁

8. 空气寒冷,月光皎洁,这是一个令人愉快的夜晚。
    The air was cold and the moon was bright, and it was a pleasant night.

9. 你不喜欢天上皎洁的圆月吗?
    Do not you like the bright round moon in the sky?

10. 在这个时间聚在一起,朋友和家人在皎洁的月光下
    On the fifteenth day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar.

11. 那晚的月亮很皎洁让我跟主的距离又近了一步
      The moon that night was so beautiful. It made me close to the Lord.

12. 外面,昨天的花园,现在却是光辉皎洁的一片。
      Outside, where the garden was yesterday, there is now a white and glistening level.

13. danci.911chaxun.com

13. 在皎洁的月光下
      And there, beneath the fluorescent moonlight...

14. danci.911chaxun.com

14. 皓月当空洒清辉,放下你心中的芥蒂,将那丝丝柔柔的皎洁融入你的心扉,涤荡凌乱的尘埃纷繁在杂念,你的世界从此遍地笙歌。
      Haoyuedangkong sprinkling Qinghui put aside the ill feelings in your heart will be that of bringing a slightest Rourou into your heart, wash away dust complicated and messy in the distracting thoughts, your world Shengge from everywhere.

15. 狂风把五月宠爱的嫩蕊作践,天上的眼睛有时照得太酷烈,被机缘或无常的天道所摧折,没有芳艳不终于雕残或销毁。但是你的长夏永远不会雕落,也不会损失你这皎洁的红芳,或死神夸口你在他影里漂泊,当你在不朽的诗里与时同长。只要一天有人类,或人有眼睛,这诗将长存,并且赐给你生命。
      Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer's lease hath all too short a date: Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimmed, And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance, or nature's changing course untrimmed: But thy eternal summer shall not fade, Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st, Nor shall death brag thou wand'rest in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st, So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

16. 月影笼罩,山峦叠起,巅峰被抬高,山尖影刺透了一轮皎洁,仿佛心也如此。
      Moon Shadow over, the overlapping mountains, the peak was up, Shan Jian Ying bringing a round of the Citou, as if such a heart.

17. 皎洁

17. 阵阵云彩飘过,太阳下山了,夜幕已经降临,一轮圆月慢慢地升了上来。皎洁的月光影影绰绰地洒在石头上面,照得它那饱经风霜的脸上长出的一粒粒雀斑格外醒目。
      A number of clouds passed by, the sun set and the night arrived with an immense bronze-coloured freckled moon with acne scars upon her worn face and in this manner reflected down upon the silent stone which still had not fallen asleep.

18. 爱奥尼亚的皎洁与金色的辉煌。
      Inexplicable splendor of Ionian white and gold.

19. 265爱奥尼亚的皎洁与金色的辉煌。
      Inexplicable splendour of Ionian white and gold.

20. 皎洁什么意思

20. 理智既已不管,我便无可救药,只得愈益不安的发著狂癫;我像疯人一般的胡想乱道,任意的瞎扯,虚妄的歪缠;我发誓说过你美,以为你皎洁,其实你黑似地狱,暗似昏夜
      Past cure I am, now reason is past care, And frantic-mad with evermore unrest; My thoughts and my discourse as madmen's are, At random from the truth vainly express'd; For I have sworn thee fair and thought thee bright, Who art as black as hell, as dark as night.

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